It's hard to tell who plays what role anymore. This isn't a bad thing. It's a real thing. If you are born one and then try or become another I would assume it would be even harder. I hate to wimp out on ya CosmicWunderkund, but, I'm going to have to say it is pretty much equal.
Up to about age 55, women do. No argument. Menstrual cramps, childbirth, menopause, the glass ceiling. Then it changes - women do tend to age more slowly post menopause and live longer.
There's a good deal of blurring of lines but generally speaking men are tough in some things and women in others... each very capable of being tough in their own ways.. I remember my daughter whining to my son that if she reincarnates she wants to come back as a man.. because ut;s easier being a man... my son said to her.. that's really not true.. as a man you are expected to keep a stiff upper lip, to pretend you are ok when you aren't, to always be the strong one.. .and you aren't allowed to show any sign of weakness.. Things are changing slowly but that's pretty much still true