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Discussion » Questions » Human Behavior » What childlike behavior do you still do? I like to rub satin together like a worry stone. I've done it since I was 5. It was my goodie.

What childlike behavior do you still do? I like to rub satin together like a worry stone. I've done it since I was 5. It was my goodie.

Posted - July 25, 2018


  • 10026
    I did that for about a year.  Then one day, I just stopped.  It was weird.  I know a few others who do that too.  
    Thanks for answering pearl.  
    Happy! Happy!
      July 27, 2018 9:16 PM MDT

  • 13395
    I still like to drink out of a bottle sometimes. 
      July 27, 2018 9:54 PM MDT

  • 10026
    Huge Giggles!!  Me too!  This round is on me!!
    :D! :D! 
      July 27, 2018 10:36 PM MDT