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What store(s) should you really avoid even walking into because you usually spend far too much money there? ~

Posted - August 1, 2018


  • "Cathouse"

      August 1, 2018 7:35 AM MDT

  • 53045

      Hey, wait . . . those are illegal!

      August 1, 2018 9:20 AM MDT

  • So is tilde trafficking, but we're both adults here ... right?
      August 1, 2018 9:33 AM MDT

  • 53045

      I don't technically "traffic" in tildes. We here at Tilde Amalgamated frown upon such references; we prefer the term "dabble".
      August 1, 2018 9:50 PM MDT

  • Well ... do your "dabbling" in Nevada and, like cathouses, it will more than likely be legal.  :)
      August 1, 2018 9:58 PM MDT

  • 5835
    Scratch n' Dent food store.

    I have had to make a rule for myself: "No more bargain food until I eat something to make room for it!" I made that rule when I got sixteen pounds of frozen corn dogs at a buck a pound and BOTH freezers were already full!
      August 1, 2018 12:00 PM MDT

  • 1502
    Cabela’s. I tend to go crazy on ammunition and guns. 
      August 1, 2018 12:04 PM MDT

  • 22891
    any of the stores
      August 2, 2018 5:02 PM MDT