Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» The ONLY legal way to get rid of TGITWH is for him to resign or for Congress to IMPEACH and REMOVE HIM FROM OFFICE. Which do YOU prefer? Y?
So you prefer to continue on this path of utter chaotic traitorous treasonour madness then and dam * the consequences because you're having so much fun? Or did I get it wrong Walt? Thank you for your reply and Happy Friday! :)
Damn the consequences? Oh, no. But I feel Americans DESERVE the consequences of decades of their actions. Or "inaction", in the case of the apathetic American citizens.
America's government has gotten "too big for its britches", as my grandparents used to say, and needs to be taken down a few pegs.
Some would call it karma. Both political parties have been actively sowing discord for decades, and those chickens are coming home to roost.
So you blame Dems for TGITWH? What prez can you point to that has been as unsuited and unprepared and uninterested in doing the job and refuses to learn or grow into it? Dems aren't perfect. Neither are Republicans. But in days of yore Tip O'Neill and Ronald Reagan could disagree cordially during the day and go out together at night and socialize. They were not unique.. Disagreements were not based on Hate. People reached across the aisle and compromise was not the progeny of the devil as some think today. I have no idea how old you are Walt but I am not making this up. The advent of the white nationalists, isolationists, populists, racists, hatemongers who used to live under rocks in the slime and sludge now walk out in the open without sheets is something new and I attribute it to TGITWH. Cuddling with/siding with Russia AGAINST THE UNITED STATES INTELLIGENCE AGENCIES is new. I gather you blame both sides equally. I do not concur. So what, right? Thank you for your reply! :)
Well I certainly can't defend indifference/apathy/disengagement/uninvolvement. Folks like that should not complain about anything. I just wonder if you and others are blaming DEMS dispropotionately? The FIX was in. The minds were polluted with lies. It was an enormous conspiracy/undertaking that predated the campaign. Hundreds or maybe thousands of bad guys were involved. The gullibles were easy marks. If NONE of that had occurred would the outcome have been different? No one can say for sure but I sure would like to know. There have always been lazy gums who are great at complaining and ever better at not lifting a finger to change things. But to my knowledge we have never before had so many decks stacked against us. The meddling and harm has not abated. TGITWH reads a script about how he acknowledged that Russia meddled and then at rallies nd in his tweets continues to refer to it as a WITCH HUNT or HOAX. Why? Because he KNOWS he is NOT legitimate president so he has to keep pretending everything was on the up and up except of course the 3 million he sez voted fraudulently and that's why Hillary got the popular vote and he didn't. He can't stand knowing he is the bas**rd child of unwed parents politically speaking and always will be. HE KNOWS IT. WE KNOW IT. The only folks who refuse to accept it are those in his base who will always obey his command. And so it goes. Thank you for your reply Sbf. I'm gonna ask! :)
Clearly, Trump won’t resign, and I predict the invertebrates in Congress would lack the stones to follow through on an impeachment.
All things considered, my money is on a stroke, or cardiac arrest. If it were to happen, let it be on live TV, where his apologists won’t be able to lie about it.
This post was edited by Don Barzini at August 3, 2018 3:40 AM MDT
Not until the midterms, at least. The Republicans might retain a slight margin, too few of them are up for reelection - but the train wreck they will suffer might make enough of them nervous enough about their jobs to move to impeach themselves.
I would like for him and his cabinet to have a total meltdown on the world stage. I'd like for him to twirl around madly and remove all his clothing and have his minions like Pence and Ryan dance and kneel before his majesty.
Then I want him to just flit off into the sunset never to be heard from again.
I can dream.
Is that any weirder than his being elected President of the United States?
Nothing will ever be weirder than that Sharon. Crackpot whacko nutjob crazy. Electing TGITWH to be TGITWH was an insane thing to do because he is insane and yet they did and here we are suffering for it. Things will just get more dangerous and bizarre and cartoonish and delusional as long as THAT GUY is in THAT JOB! What the he** did we do to deserve THIS outcome? Oh. Wait. Right. Russia and all the American conspirators fixed it so Hillary would lose. We never had a chance. It was rigged for a few years before TGITWH ever rode down that escalator. A SURE THING. A DONE DEAL. IN THE BAG. Thank you for your reply and the graphic and Happy Friday! :)
Impeached after the midterms. Unlike Nixon, he's not intelligent enough to jump - but given the train wreck the GOP is headed for in just a few months, they may just move the impeachment themselves to get rid of a yuge electoral liability, and hope that Pence has a long enough "honeymoon period" to squeak back in. The Dems won't ask for it. Trump is doing too good a job for them.
This post was edited by Slartibartfast at August 3, 2018 4:35 AM MDT
From your lips to the Universe Sbf. D'ya really think the current insipid inept impotent scairdy cat Republican Majority House of Reps will do diddly? If TGITWH were on his deathbed they'd still be scared he'd get back at them from the grave. I'm gonna ask. Of course if the purported BLUE WAVE actually materializes BIGLY then both House and Senate will have a Dem majority and the first thing they will do is work on ARTICLES OF IMPEACHMENT. What a celebratory "block party" there'll be worldwide. Thank you for your thoughtful reply and Happy Friday.
This post was edited by RosieG at August 3, 2018 3:51 AM MDT
The GOP just might retain a slim majority, too few of them are up for reelection. Those that are WON'T be, unless the US fails to learn from its mistake two years ago and again fails to show up and vote - and the size of the wave might make the moderates nervous enough to boot His Royal Orangeness out.
I know. I kinda sorta worry about that. I guess we will see how it plays out. Fingers crossed. Thank you for your reply Sbf. The meddling and dirty tricks and fake accounts and lies emanating from Russia never stopped. So we know the infiltration is better now that they have proof how well what they did worked and of course that encourages them to get bolder. I don't know if they are that much smarter than we are but I know they are far more willing to do anything and everything to achieve another win...re-election of TGITWH. It could happen. The obdurate obstinate refusal of the base to leave his side...look at the larger picture...try to be independent is not in the cards. For whatever reason when he says "don't believe anything you hear or read because I am your only source of truth" they never question him. They believe what he says is true and how they reconcile the flipflops and backtracks and reversals I don't know. Maybe they live each moment and forget the past(an hour ago) and don't worry about the future (the next minute).
Not enough running for re-election? The House which is required to start impeachment.....EVERY member is up for re-election every election cycle. (2 yrs terms)
But good to see left is already laying groundwork for the excuse for the RED wave coming. Lol
Yes....there has never been a conviction of a Pres. and it will not start with President Trump. As I said it will not start at all. The House is going to stay Red.
This post was edited by my2cents at August 6, 2018 7:48 AM MDT
He's done nothing to be impeached for. I was not a GOP supporter until recently when I joined the #WalkAway movement. Seeing how the Dems have been acting, I no longer support anything they do or say. I was a democrat from birth and always supported them no matter what. So glad I finally woke up and smelled the coffee.
Forgetting receipt of emoluments, assaulting an allied leader, interference with official records and possible treason, it's obstruction of justice writ large and self evident that will nail him. Slam dunk, it's 1973 all over again. Nixon did the smart thing when faced with a "resign or be impeached" situation and trusted Ford to keep him out of jail. Trump isn't that smart.
If I am not mistaken Startibartfast is referring to President Trump moving someone out who was trying to stand in front of him for one of the pictures. i don't remember exactly when/where.