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Discussion » Questions » Legal » Do you think Tommy Robinson's ill-treatment in jail, as revealed on social media and Breitbart, amounted to torture (see link)?

Do you think Tommy Robinson's ill-treatment in jail, as revealed on social media and Breitbart, amounted to torture (see link)?

This is regardless of whether you agree with his opinions or methods. If the authorities move someone to a jail where he is more likely to be targeted because of his political views so that he has to be put in solitary, is afraid to eat in case his food is poisoned so that he loses 42 pounds in 2 months, and can't even open a window? I wasn't very sympathetic to him before but this is shocking.

Posted - August 2, 2018


  • 35124
    If in the FOX interview he seems overweight to you....we will have to agree to disagree. 
    The links to the letters do not prove the complaints to be true. But the do prove that the complaints do not suddenly appear out of the blue after he got in front of the American press. It shows he was making these complaints throughout his prison time. 

    No one is claiming he was not given his three daily meals. He is not claiming that either....he says HE did not trust the Muslims whom were preparing his food. So HE was refusing to eat the food and was instead purchasing the can of tuna from the cannery at the prison. So he could know the food was not tampered with. 

    Do you know it the prison system must issue an offical written reply to a prisoners written complaint? And if those are released? It would certainly clear up if he was in solitary confinement or not. 
    It would be interesting to see how they responded to his complaints about solitary confinement.
      August 7, 2018 1:15 PM MDT

  • 6477
    I am pretty sure I didn't say he is overweight but he is more on the side of a little overweight than underweight that's for sure... I also never said they appeared out of the blue. but we have to wonder WHY he was complaining about things that were NOT happening.. He clearly isn't very bright - not that that is a crime but he is easy to see through.. he was trying to play the system.. a lot of prisoners do, especially the more whiny weaselly ones.. .  If this were a child molester, complaining he wanted extra privileges, extra visits and extra money.. what would we think?  

    The fact  remains.. he was given 3 good, solid, healthy meals a day.. there was no reason for the food to have been tampered with.. so anything he ate or didn't eat was his choice and his alone.. It sounds like he suffers from paranoia and perhaps other mental health issues... or perhaps he just wanted to pretend he was suffering mentally in the hope of getting extra things.. but either way he was not mistreated and underfed...

    He didn't actually claim muslims made the food and as we have seen he does seem to suffer from paranoia - that would fit with his irrationally believing that the prison was full of Muslims.. 

    The point is.. he claimed.. and you pretty much said the same.. that he was mistreated.. there is no evidence at all that he was... 

    We know that there is no way, logically that he could know who is and isn't Muslim and the fact he exhibiting paranoia believed there were however many wildly inaccurate percentage it was - this shows nothing other than that the man is a racist bigot - Islamophobic .. 

    The prison service would have to reply to a written complaint.. they wouldn't publish information about an individual.. it would be a breach of data protection but they have said in the articles that he was not in solitary more than 48 hours.. and the fact he could go to buy tinned tuna and other prisoners had access to allegedly throw excrement at his cell, do make him look a liar.   

    The truth is also that he is a nasty thug, one of the commonest lowest denominators, remember he has been in prison before, he's not snow white, OK he deserved a fair trial and he will get one - that's right but he tried to deny others that same right - that to me looks like a whiney manipulator. and a nasty person to boot..  Allegedly he is now trying to prove he isn't an extremist by bullying journalists..  The man IS scum, it doesn;t take a genius to work that out
      August 7, 2018 2:07 PM MDT

  • 555
    Wow . . . I didn't expect this thread would run and run the way it has. 

    My view of Tommy Robinson - on this occasion, yes, he was in the wrong, more generally his methods tend to be crude and often counter-productive, especially in setting up the English Defence League, an organisation that was notorious for its lack of self-discipline and never seemed to have any real strategy or goals. And he hasn't always been consistent about his own views. But he is not the main problem - he is just a symptom. When you have a situation where the Government allows the levels of Muslim immigration we have over the last 20 years or so, when all the social and law and order problems it causes get swept under the carpet, the police are ineffective at protecting people, and we have a culture where it's difficult even to talk about Islam or Islamic cultures openly because we're so obsessed with not offending minorities . . . that's the sort of environment that people like Tommy Robinson can thrive in.

    The same sort of thing could be said of much of continental Europe except that they have a bigger range of political parties to choose from. We in Britain don't really have a populist/nationalist type party like Liga or Alternative for Germany, and so it's natural that street protest movements and activists will fill the void. The frustration is bound to find an outlet somehow.

    I checked the link, it was interesting, I may not agree with all their conclusions, but at least they have attempted to justify their arguments and provide some proper definitions of terms they are using, which many critics of the far right and populist movements do not.
      August 10, 2018 4:53 PM MDT

  • 6477

    And another one.. the BBC - which is the main news source here..

    What I am about is fairness and reason.. I am analytical... if I am told something I check it out.. see both sides

    We have to remember here.. he did wrong, he had done the same before and knew it was wrong... 
    He was arrested and charged and then went to court
    The trial was flawed on a technicality - the guy should have been given more time to prepare his defence.. 
    BUT this is not a gross miscarriage of justice here - so those bleating it was are simply incorrect.. 
    He IS entitled to a fair and proper trial 
    BUT the UK justice system has proven itself accountable and on appeal three judges agreed the trial was flawed
    SO IT WORKED AND WORKED FAIRLY and in his favour
    He might still end up being convicted - the sentence he has already served will be deducted from any sentence he is given
    The prison service HAS answered the claims and said they are false.. 
    DO we just trust that? NO because we know that it will be checked out.. there are records and the service is held accountable

    Any conspiracy theories or claims of injustice are just fairy stories.. hype, false news.. we should use brains and reason in these cases

      August 4, 2018 2:24 AM MDT