According to the civil code (section 9.3414) the petitioner (i.e you) must have the full name of the respondent (i.e the one you want restrained). However, pursuant to code 915-141b, that name must be made available to you by court (i.e you can't just guess at it). Furthermore, by obtaining that name the petitioner shall in no means expose the respondent to excessive unconfidential duress (pursuant to code 23-45 section 87.315 subsection b of the Family Code), without first obtaining written documentation from the Department of Justice prior to the petition of said injunction. Failure to adhere to this will result in a nullification of said injunction for a period not to exceed 15 days from the filing for the injunction. Willful disobedience of a temporary restraining order or order after hearing granted pursuant to this section is punishable pursuant to Section 273.6 of the Penal Code. (AB 593)