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Trump jobs miracle continues with 3.9 million new jobs since Jan. 2017, U-6 down to 7.5 percent as unemployed lowest since 2001. Great huh?

Posted - August 7, 2018


  • 5391
    Really, how many has he hired? Aside from the low-paid illegals that staff his properties...

    The credit for increased employment goes to the small businesses and private employers of this country, who have persevered and worked hard despite the continuing partisan stagnation of the government. We need to acknowledge their accomplishments. 

    Trump taking credit for employment numbers is like the rooster taking credit for the sunrise. He can’t even keep his staff positions filled. At least Trump has managed not to stunt the growth trend that began under the previous administration.
    Perhaps therein lies a miracle. This post was edited by Don Barzini at August 8, 2018 8:04 AM MDT
      August 7, 2018 11:12 AM MDT

  • 46117
    Trump has inflated numbers. 

    Trump did not account for TEMPORARY JOBS.  Trump did not account for how much was implemented BEFORE he even got in office.

    Trump is totally incapable of understanding how employment growth even works.

    Instead of focusing on the lies, like the pictures of the WALL he is not building that turned out to be some fence rebuild from two years ago; instead of focusing on the lies?

    Focus on the facts:

    He has cost jobs and is starving workers all over America.  He has not raised employment.  If you look at any actual employment charts, the employment rate is DOWN and not climbing.  He has not contributed anything but grief and hostility and prices are skyrocketing and farmers are starving and Harley Davidson is moving.

    Stuff like the truth helps in these situations.  So, when you wonder why Bobbie down the street still cannot pay his bills and is higher than a kite to wipe out the misery of his life?  That's why.  Thank you, Donnie for all this great job opportunity you have afforded us.

    I live in a right to work state.  You know what the desk gets for an hourly fee?  Eleven dollars an hour and this is a RED state and that is below what is supposed to be allowed. 

    Keep voting TRUMP and his great jobs.

    We don't have great jobs.  We have lots of crap jobs and we have lots of temp jobs.  And we have too much unemployment and too much lack of education for people who want to hear what Alex Jones and Fox News says.
      August 7, 2018 11:22 AM MDT

  • 19937
    Trump has an inflated ego.
      August 9, 2018 12:57 PM MDT

  • 34905
    Yep. Unemployment low. Historical low for minorities. Lowest in decades for women. Labor participation is up as well. 
    Amazing what happens when you release the power of American business. 
    Jobs are back that the establishment (both parties) said were gone forever. 
      August 7, 2018 11:28 AM MDT

  • 46117
    Santa is for real and Elvis is alive too.

    For God sakes already.  There is no truth at all in this.  Not if I answer it.  But, I'm tired.  Maybe later. 
      August 7, 2018 11:31 AM MDT

  • 2706
    Facts are a wonderful thing. Unfortunately many don't seem to recognize them when shown to them. Good answer. :)
      August 8, 2018 3:29 AM MDT

  • 2658
      August 7, 2018 1:03 PM MDT

  • 22891
    wish he would find nne a job
      August 7, 2018 1:47 PM MDT

  • 19937
    No one is going to find you a job.  You have to go out and look for one.  Several people on here have given you very good advice on where to seek employment or how to go to an agency that can help you.  Finding a job will require that you get out from in front of your computer and go looking for one.  Believe me when I tell you no job is going to come looking for you.  So, if you aren't willing to put in the effort to help yourself, stop complaining about it.
      August 7, 2018 2:04 PM MDT

  • 17641
    I don't think you know much about Pearl's saga in the hunt for a job.   
      August 9, 2018 12:03 AM MDT

  • 19937
    I know that she has challenges and I know that she is always complaining that she can't find a job, but she has never said what she's doing about finding one.  There are many people who are challenged physically and mentally who manage to find employment.  You have to actually take the initiative to look for one.  Someone on here who lives in her state or has family in her state has given her some very good advice as to whom she should contact to get help.  If you ask Pearl if she has taken that advice, she will not answer.  If you ask her, as I have on more than one occasion, what skills she has, she will not answer. 
      August 9, 2018 9:53 AM MDT

  • 17641
    That's your experience.  Not mine.  Be gone.
      August 9, 2018 12:14 PM MDT

  • 19937

    Be gone?  I would like to know who you think you are.  I'll be gone when I'm good and ready.  Fortunately for you, you aren't my boss. 

      August 9, 2018 12:55 PM MDT

  • 6477
    Hype, hype and more hype.... well isn't that exactly what Trump is best at.. bragging and telling everyone how great he is? Only thing is that it's never true.. ALL these things he is claiming credit for are things Obama started and put in place.. Sad thing is tho how some people believe all Trumps bragging and lies. 
      August 7, 2018 2:35 PM MDT

  • 2658
      August 7, 2018 2:56 PM MDT

  • 34905
    I have been in business for 20+yrs and I can tell you under Obama people did not have the same spending power they do now. 
    I have seen the increase in people on vacation and in how much money they are able to spend. 
    Last year was my biggest year ever and I am up even more than that this year and No I will not give Obama credit for that. 
      August 8, 2018 9:26 AM MDT

  • 6477
    And I wouldn't expect, in my wildest dreams for you to credit Obama for anything :P But none of this is out of keeping with the fact that Obama set a lot of things in motion that are now beginning to bear fruit. It is acknowledged that if a prez does something now - i.e starts a programme for nursing scholarships say, then the results aren't going to be seen for several years.. Same with jobs creation etc.. 
    Obama inherited the tail end of a recession... he set a lot of things in motion.. 
    Logically Trump cannot be responsible for things that were already in place and beginning to bear fruit. In fact, I've not seen one programme that Trump has instigated... All I have seen is him bleating on about how he did this and he did that great thing.. 
      August 9, 2018 2:40 PM MDT

  • 34905
    If I believed he did something to help I would give him credit. I just don't know of anything. 
    Wanting to fine me because I cannot afford healthcare is not a help to me. Giving a stimulus to big businesses did not help me....Bush giving his stimulus to the working people helped me. Obama gave us the "new normal" of economic growth of 2% thats the best we are going to get. Candidate Trump said we would get 4% and the media etc made fun saying he was exaggerating and it would not happen. Yet it just did and yes President Trump and his policies get the credit.
      August 9, 2018 2:54 PM MDT

  • 6477
    But truly he doesn't have any policies, not any he has put into action.. All I have seen is him talk about things.. The economy is a weird and wonderful thing.. it grows according to people's confidence.. really nothing more.. if they feel optimistic it grows.. if they are worried, (for example the UK pound is falling ONLY Because people/business are worried and feeling uncertain about Brexit) then the economy suffers.. Such blips up or down often have no substance and so really Trump cannot claim credit.. 
      August 9, 2018 3:08 PM MDT

  • 34905
    If President Trump has no policies im action exactly why are the Dems going crazy over his policies amd executive orders? 
    The tax cuts (crumbs as Pelosi calls them) and removal of regulations are policies and they are good for the economy.
    If President Trump cannot take credit now...President Obama certainly cannot either. This post was edited by my2cents at August 10, 2018 9:46 PM MDT
      August 9, 2018 3:20 PM MDT

  • 6477
    I've seen no policies he has put into action.. there was a tax cut.. but again surrounded by so much hype and misinformation aka lies that it really makes it difficult to see what he has actually done.. I think it was easier to see what Obama did because he just got on and did it.. didn't bleat on about it and surround it by so much hype that the actual event was somewhat disappointing.. And the part about Obama was.. that he is recorded as having put things into motion.. and now they are bearing fruit.. so he can take credit, logically, whereas Trump cannot.. Just logic.. there's no emotion in this for me
      August 9, 2018 3:25 PM MDT

  • 34905
    Tax cuts are policy. Cutting regulations is a policy. Redoing free trade deals (send my job overseas deals) is a policy, fighting back with tariffs is a policy, allowing overseas income to come back into the country at a lower tax rate is a policy. 
    You may disagree with these policies but they are policies and they are good for the American economy as out recent 4% gdp shows. 
      August 9, 2018 8:32 PM MDT

  • 6477
    OK we agree he has made tax cuts, albeit that his illogical deranged bragging which offers lies, just makes a mockery and muddies the waters so it's hard to see what he HAS done.. SO what you are saying is that in amongst that ranting hype about what he has done there are actually some things that ARE true and he has done.. Gee it's so hard to tell when you have to fight through hundreds of falsehoods to find the one or two truths. He has NOT won in the least about tariffs... not at all - he hasn't negotiated anything and had anything agreed. The talks were to not have any more new tariffs added and as we discussed elsewhere that hasn't even been agreed. He has also NOT negotiated ANY new free trade deals.. none..  
    What's this allowing oversees income to come into the States? You mean investors? That wouldn't fit with the isolationist policies he spouted earlier?  
    As I said about the economy... it's all to do with confidence or lack of.. not anything that's been done

    Update... i looked into this bringing back oversees money... "

    And under the new tax code, Apple would also have been taxed whether it brought the money back or not.

    By shifting the money under the new terms, Apple has saved $43 billion in taxes, more than any other American company, according to the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy, a research group in Washington."  And they say that whatever investment they make would have been made anyway... So looks like nothing much has been achieved while Trump goes bragging and some people take what he says at face value.. We could take what Obama said at face value but Trump definitely not because it contains so many lies and untruths 

    "Although Republican supporters of the tax law argued that the influx of international profits would create jobs and increase wages, many economists disagreed that a one-time repatriation would have any substantial impact on real investment."  Apple, like most companies, make most of its products in China still... there are no plans to change that. 

    This post was edited by Adaydreambeliever at August 10, 2018 1:51 AM MDT
      August 10, 2018 1:36 AM MDT

  • 34905
    As I said you can disagree with them but they are policy. Trade deals were removed. NAFTA is being redone now. Germany has agrees to 0% tariffs. NATO members are spending can claim it would have happened regardless....but again we have to agree to disagree.  Border security is a policy. 
    Apple is bringing jobs to it what you want. 
    The economic policies are working....Unemployment is down, historically for minorities and lowest in decades for females. Labor participation is upm 4% gdp. 
      August 10, 2018 4:55 AM MDT