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Discussion » Questions » Current Events and News » Trump jobs miracle continues with 3.9 million new jobs since Jan. 2017, U-6 down to 7.5 percent as unemployed lowest since 2001. Great huh?

Trump jobs miracle continues with 3.9 million new jobs since Jan. 2017, U-6 down to 7.5 percent as unemployed lowest since 2001. Great huh?

Posted - August 7, 2018


  • 6477
    Hmm Germany cannot agree to 0 Tariffs as it's part of the EU and the whole point of the EU is that it prevents its member states from making deals.. this was one of the reasons people voted for Brexit..  I don't disagree or agree with the policies.. I just saw no evidence that they were policies.. Perhaps there's a different formulation over there regarding what is and isn't a policy.. I was reading up on the bringing money back to the US via AMerican companies.. I was reading that while Trump has said this is ok.. there's no legislation yet to do it.. so it hasn't been actually made into a policy.... if you see what I mean... I was looking for policies like we will do this and this is how we will do it and this is the legislation we have put into place to make that happen.. Perhaps things work differently there.. 
    NATO members agreed to stick to a promise they made several years ago to pay 2% into NATO... that's not saying they will because they reneged on their previous promise so what's to stop them doing that again? UK has always paid 2% or more. I never claimed it would have happened anyway.. that would be untrue as in fact I believe they still wont - Germany especially are unhappy about paying their share.. 

    As I say I was reading up on the companies paying the taxes they have avoided by their operations abroad.. they say that this is a ONE Of payment.. and that there is no stipulation as to what the companies will invest in.. some say the money will go to shareholders.. not staff.. Trump was saying it will increase average worker wage by $4000 - that was a wild and extravagant claim.. and likely to come back to bite him.
    They say the 4% was due to one off events too.. and isn't sustainable ... likely to see much cooler growth rate... I noted that there were peaks in 2015.. bigger than this 4% so I am guessing Obama wasn't all bad. 
    So we don't agree to disagree.. as such...
      August 10, 2018 11:10 AM MDT

  • 35077
    The have spent more in NATO this year over last year and most are claiming they will continue....yes it is an old promise but it is one they have started working towards more now that before. 
    You make want to Google about Merkel and the tariffs. But here is a link.

    Companies are bringing jobs and they are saying it is because of the taxes....I will take them at their word. 
      August 10, 2018 5:58 PM MDT

  • 6477
      August 9, 2018 3:21 PM MDT

  • 2658
    Trump Has Sold Out His Voters for Corporate America
    The president's early policies benefit corporations and the rich at the expense of everyday Americans. By Graham Vyse        March 7, 2017
      August 8, 2018 9:52 AM MDT

  • 2706
    Looking good to me. :)
      August 8, 2018 3:25 AM MDT

  • 6098
    Well I'm generally not a believer in cited numbers. But let's just say that its a good time for business.  Most everyone says that.  And when businesses do well they can expand which requires the hiring of more people.   Being a businessman I think President Trump believes in the power of business so is more content to just let us do our thing.  Whereas under Obama there was a perceived ideological "war" carried on against business and banking.
      August 9, 2018 5:38 AM MDT