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Fate or Free Will?

Do you think your life is predetermined or do you believe you are the regisseur of your life?

Posted - August 15, 2018


  • 6098
    Both!.  Really I think such matters only exist for discussion and our own limited human understanding and to bolster whatever logical arguments we are able to fashion for ourselves.  In the end it does not really matter a whole heck of a lot.  I believe that God is the Creator of and in charge of The Universe.  But I don't believe that just because something happens that God wanted it to happen or planned it. There are other forced at work.  I believe God gave us free will for one purpose - so that we can willingly choose to worship God.  Anything else we do with it or if we take it and just run with it us entirely beside its intended purpose.  Certainly we are to enjoy our lives but also use them to help others.  Does not help us to play fatalistic or blame God or use our freedom to hurt ourselves and others.  And in a more mundane sense if I want fried rice why should I care whether God planned for me to want or have fried rice at all?   Some things are beyond our understanding and we can have fun talking about them but we really don't know anyway.  
      August 15, 2018 8:55 AM MDT

  • Thank you for this answer of  "Both", officegirl. Lots to think about. Free Will can be divided in several basic possibilities. Par example: free will can be oppressed politically - but then - all that could be all in your stars believing in fate. These wide aspects of this topic are very interesting, as is the universe itself. Nobody really knows to define that 100%.
      August 15, 2018 11:47 AM MDT

  • 6477
    I am never sure.. I am a believer in fate.. but that it doesnt mean we are helpless pawns.. I see it more in a positive way.. that what we are meant to have we will experience.. it will be granted to us..  I once had a friend who was certain it was all predetermined.. I wonder if they are fairly similar really?
      August 15, 2018 3:52 PM MDT

  • I read several books about metaphysics, and done that gives no clarity at all over questions we have. Life is an illusion, so is free will. Nothing of this I believe. Putting our freedom of will to work is hard work itself, we have to think about our environment, about ethic issues etc. You might know that feeling that you want to kill a certain person who has hurt you, but your brain tells you to stop thinking that way. Free will is not much asked for or appreciated in modern lawful society anyway. If I put religion into play, the matter of fate is highlighted, which I do not underscore being an agnostic. I just have an open mind and love to study these topics. Thank you for your opinion about this, Adaydreambeliever.
      August 15, 2018 7:58 PM MDT

  • 17081
    True metaphysics has no answers, only questions. The questions are fascinating, which is why I've studied it (my theology degree was a double major, religion and philosophy).
    Why am I here? Why are you here? ARE you here, or am I all alone in a universe populated my my own imagination because the loneliness was unthinkable? If God is, why does He allow bad things to happen?
    I tend to agree with officegirl. Free will is the Joker in a deck otherwise stacked by fate. It's the unusual individual who actually exercises it - most people are reactive rather than proactive, meaning that their actions are guided by fate. Cause/effect. The few who decide to BE the cause are entirely responsible for all human progress - and also for the mess we're in.
      August 15, 2018 10:56 PM MDT

  • 6098
    Well if life is only an illusion I have had a pretty good time with it!   Never felt at all that I wanted to kill anyone and really don't think I could do it even if I had to. 
      August 16, 2018 5:18 AM MDT

  • 13395
    The infinite past and infinite future are in the present tense. The ffuture has already happened; our presant existence has  just happened to occur at a point during the infinity of time. 

      August 15, 2018 11:53 PM MDT

  • 22891
    i think its predeternnined
      September 12, 2018 1:59 PM MDT