If YOU were the master tweet ranter/rant tweeter how many tweets would you create to rant your way to vindication? Now we know his supporters support him through anything. They knew what he was when they bought the merchandise. The point of ranty tweets or tweety rants would be what? More of the same? The audience is the same. The 40% or less who believe every tweet and the 60% or more or don't believe a single thing he tweets?
Trump needs to unwind? From what - his incessant tweeting? His weekly campaign appearances? His undoing of everything Obama? I guess if you look at it that way, he DOES need to unwind. Obama didn't vacation nearly as many days in eight years as Trump has done in 1.5.
Did you complain when all those investigations into Benghazi that cost millions of dollars came up empty?
State Department Official Charlene Lamb Testified Before The House Oversight Committee That Budget Cuts Had Nothing To Do With Security Decisions In Benghazi.REP. DANA ROHRABACHER (R-CA): “It has been suggested the budget cuts are responsible for lack of security in Benghazi, and I’d like to ask Ms. Lamb, you made this decision personally, was there any budget consideration and lack of budget that led you not to increase the number of people in the security force there?” CHARLENE LAMB: “No, sir.” (U.S. House Of Representatives, Oversight And Government Reform Committee, Hearing, 10/10/12)
The Department Of Defense Site Security Team (SST), Which Left Libya In August 2012 Because The State Department Failed To Request Its Renewal, Came At “No Cost” To The State Department. “There has been considerable public discussion about the DOD’s Site Security Team in Tripoli. The SST, which was provided by the DoD at no expense to the State Department, consisted of 16 special operations personnel detailed to the Chief of Mission in Libya, although its numbers fluctuated slightly due to rotations.” (“Review Of The Terrorist Attacks On U.S. Facilities In Benghazi, Libya, September 11-12, 2012 Together With Additional Views,” Senate Select Committee On Intelligence, 1/15/14, p. 20)
Robert Baldre, The State Department’s Chief Financial Officer For Diplomatic Security, Wrote That “I Do Not Feel That We Have Ever Been At A Point Where We Have Sacrificed Security Due To Lack Of Funding.” “Robert Baldre, your chief financial officer for diplomatic security, stated, and I quote, ‘I do not feel that we have ever been at a point where we have sacrificed security due to lack of funding,’ Rep. Steven Chabot, Ohio Republican, told Mrs. Clinton.” (Guy Taylor and Shaun Waterman, “Tears And Rage: Clinton Testily Defends Depiction Of Benghazi Events,” The Washington Times, 1/23/13)
Senate Homeland Security Report: Congress Has Been Responsive To Appropriating More Money To The State Department For Security-Driven Requests, But Neither The President Nor The State Department Requested Additional Funds For Libya. “At the same time, Congress has generally been responsive in providing supplemental and Overseas Contingency Operations (OCO) funds to the Department of State – more than $1.7 billion since 2007 – in response to emergent, security-driven funding requests, although primarily for facilities in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan. However, there was no supplemental or OCO request made by the President for additional diplomatic security enhancements in FY2010 or FY2011. Neither the Department of State nor Congress made a point of providing additional funds in a supplemental request for Libya, or more specifically, Benghazi.” (“Flashing Red: A Special Report On The Terrorist Attack At Benghazi,” United States Senate Committee On Homeland Security And Government Affairs, 12/30/12, p. 17)
The Washington Post Fact Checker: “The Reality Is That Funding For Embassy Security Has Increased Significantly In Recent Years.” “Moreover, while Boxer claims that Republicans ‘cut’ the budget, she is only comparing it to what the Obama administration proposed. The reality is that funding for embassy security has increased significantly in recent years. The Department of State’s base requests for security funding have increased by 38 percent since Fiscal Year (FY) 2007, and base budget appropriations have increased by 27 percent in the same time period,’ said the bipartisan Senate Homeland Security report on the Benghazi attack.” (Glenn Kessler, “Barbara Boxer’s Claim That GOP Budgets Hampered Benghazi Security,” The Washington Post's Fact Checker, 5/16/13)
The cost of Trump's golf rounds to the American taxpayer varies by round and course, but it has totaled so far in the tens of millions of dollars.
<!-- Either there are no banners, they are disabled or none qualified for this location! -->He previously was on pace to visit his golf clubs more than 650 times in an eight-year presidency. However, his pace as of Aug. 6, 2018 now indicates Trump would spend as much as 745 days of his presidency at a golf course if he wins a second term and serves both terms to completion.
Trump has spent nearly 25 percent of his days in office at one of his golf properties for some portion of the day."
And, if you want a comparison to both Obama and Bush, check this out:
This post was edited by SpunkySenior at August 23, 2018 7:27 PM MDT
So you agree they lied about the "video" and the funding for security. Good to know.
You don't remember the GOP complaining about Obama's golfing? They did. I did not, I don't care. But 333/52=6.4 yrs so not quite weekly for 6.5 yrs. He missed that mark by 5.
Just going to one of President Trump's properties does not mean he was golfing. Just about all of his properties have a course.
But I still say it comes down to policy and I am happy with those.
This post was edited by my2cents at August 25, 2018 1:00 PM MDT