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Did you attend or do you plan to attend your high school reunions?

Posted - August 30, 2018


  • 6098
    Attended one several years ago. Private school - I went to private schools (though never graduated). One person (who I actually quite looked up to as an intellect when we were in school) told me I should get a makeover.  Otherwise everyone was about as they were in the mid 70s but older. 
      August 31, 2018 5:19 AM MDT

  • 4624
    Went to the ten-year reunion.
    Most drank far too much and behaved abominably - said vile things to each other - trashed the place.
    Felt so ashamed of them - ashamed to be associated with them even by an accident of past history.
    Since then, have avoided the other reunions.

    Have kept in touch with three old school chums.
      August 31, 2018 7:22 PM MDT

  • 1502
    Nope. To my knowledge they only had a 10 year reunion. There was poor planning and official invitations weren’t sent. I didnt go and I won’t go to any in the future. I’m friends with the people from high school I liked. I didn’t like most of them back then. They were superficial, preppy, snobby, and rude. They cared about how well you dressed, how expensive your clothing was, etc. I had nothing in common with them. 
      September 1, 2018 1:12 PM MDT

  • 14795
    No...never really liked the school I attended ...So many who went there were far to up their own places for my liking ...:( 
      September 1, 2018 4:10 PM MDT

  • 22891
    probably not since i never hear about thenn
      September 7, 2018 2:55 PM MDT