I would and I could eat that plus I would eat it the same way I eat chocolate Easter bunnies. First I snap the bunnies nose off and as I'm about to pop it in my mouth I do a silly voice like - oh no Mr. Bill. With the Trump Spam I would snap the nose off and as I am about to pop it in my mouth I would do my Trump impression and say - oh no what about crooked Hillary. Cheers and happy weekend!
Can you imagine the fun the Not Ready For Prime Time players would of had with Donald Trump? Bet John Belushi would of done a good impression of Trump and Dan Akroid could do Pence. Cheers and happy weekend!
Dh let me see if I got this straight it would be correct to say -If there were grammar Nazi's on the Not Ready For Prime Time staff they would have had fun with Donald Trump. But it's not correct to say - If there were grammar Nazi's on the Not Ready For Prime Time staff they would of had fun with Donald Trump.
The last time I ate Spam was the LAST time I will eat it. It was so salty I threw it away. For some odd reason, in the last ten years, I have become extremely sensitive to NaCl.
I'm with you on the salt issue. I have no real taste for it anymore which is probably a good thing. I ate Spam once and that was only because it was finely diced and added to a salad made by my best friend. I got it down, but I vowed that I'd prefer to starve than eat it again.
That picture makes me want to blow chunks. BTW. the a**hole in the set picture is pink and therefore not scientifically accurate. He's really orange.
This post was edited by Zack at September 9, 2018 6:43 AM MDT