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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » How smart are fish? If eating fish is good for the brain doesn't it make sense to infer that fish are smart or doesn't it work that way?

How smart are fish? If eating fish is good for the brain doesn't it make sense to infer that fish are smart or doesn't it work that way?

Posted - September 9, 2018


  • 14795
    So many fish are smart Rosie....most all dress up nicely for dinner....:)D 
      September 9, 2018 12:51 PM MDT

  • 113301
    You know D that's something I never could figure out. In movies or even TV shows the folks would "dress" for dinner! They were already dressed! What was the point of changing to other clothes? I think it was only the wealthy who did that. Was it a society rule? I'm gonna ask.  Thank you for your reply! ;) This post was edited by RosieG at September 10, 2018 3:50 AM MDT
      September 10, 2018 2:53 AM MDT

  • 14795
    They did it to set themselves apart from common people....They took tiny bites and there food must have been stone cold by the time they woofed it down...

    Money and breeding ,makes for no common sense at all ....So many of the top private schools kids act and sleek like they are interbread in England......I'm sure if you had to mix and speak with them ,you wouldn't understand what they were saying ....So called prince charles is a prime example with his gaps in speach as he talk plus his kind of stutter...
      September 10, 2018 3:19 AM MDT

  • 113301
    I think some of them had or have noblesse oblige and think of others besides themselves and truly care about those less fortunate. I think Princess Diana was one of them and I think her two boys really do care about others and have her humanitarian instincts. But I'm just an outside observer and appearances can be deceiving. I despise Charles and Camilla and always will. Of course it's none of my business and I know Diana had problems. But she deserved better than marrying a man who kept his horse-faced mistress during the marriage. Are you shocked my friend? Apologies to you if you are. Thank you for your reply D.:)
      September 10, 2018 3:55 AM MDT

  • 14795
    I love your hose faced comment shocked me a bit comming from you ,but love the innocence and wonderful correct observation of one if life's gannets on..
    I don't think much of Diana...I feel she justsusjust used charities to further her hatred for the royal family....
    What they are good for ,I just don't know....I'm Sure  she went with the Arab just to spite them all ...Same with Hewit and his son Harry...They are all sick apart from the Queen....She drove a army lorry during the Second World War....and she's always kept a squeaky clean profile....Her sister Margret was a right ole trollop  though....with her position she should have been more discrete...she was knocking off John Bindon and many others I
    Most all of them are perverts...
      September 10, 2018 7:52 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Don't you like Prince Harry and Prince William or their wives D? Just a wonderin'! :)
      September 10, 2018 7:58 AM MDT

  • 14795
    I think Harrys real creepy......his elder brother apoears a lot more normal though....William wife seems ok,but who would want to live a live like that or with any of them...It's like being in a prison,you'll never be free of...  
      September 10, 2018 8:13 AM MDT

  • 113301
    I could not do it. I  can't take having my life programmed for me by "shoulds" which I think the life of a Royal is all about. I think Harry was a wild child but I think he simmered down and has turned out to be a decent fella. I hope he is anyway and I hope he and Meghan have a great and long life together. We had Princess Grace  and I guess Princess Meghan. They don't have royal blood but their children do(Grace's) and will (Meghan's). A tie that binds and bonds across the sea? Maybe? Thank you for your reply D! :)
      September 10, 2018 8:20 AM MDT

  • 11412

    I figure fish can't be that smart because if they were really smart they would figure out a way to use kinetic energy to shatter the glass and escape from their aquarium prisons. Anyway I don't think it's safe to say that because fish are brain food it would mean their smart - Blueberry's will create temporary smartness but their not smart at all. Cheers!

      September 9, 2018 1:25 PM MDT

  • 7280
    And after they have shattered the glass and escaped, what's their next move?
      September 9, 2018 4:28 PM MDT

  • 11412
    Hydro foiling to the ocean. Cheers!
      September 9, 2018 4:33 PM MDT

  • 113301
      September 10, 2018 2:57 AM MDT

  • 113301
      September 10, 2018 2:57 AM MDT

  • 113301
    But I thought that "you are what you eat" was the golden rule of dining Nanoose! It isn't? Another fallen idol! Another shattered belief!  Another Old Wive's tale. So if they use kinetic energy to shatter glass how do they survive out of water? How do they get to where they're going? Do they walk, run, slither, hop? Thank you for your reply and Happy Monday!  :) This post was edited by RosieG at September 10, 2018 2:56 AM MDT
      September 10, 2018 2:55 AM MDT