Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» Ever hear of GIBBLE GABBLE? It means "senseless chatter" like blather and gibberish. All Pols gibble gabble. WHY?
They yap so much all the time you'd think the law of averages would fit in somewhere so that once in a awhile what they said would be meaningful thoughtful relevant helpful. But no. I wonder how they consistently beat the law of averages? I'm gonna ask. Thank you for your reply! :)
This post was edited by RosieG at September 30, 2018 2:44 AM MDT
Maybe everyone has to become corrupted to servive in politics Rosie...... The same you can say about all police forces.....Do you remember that film with Al Pacino in it...Serpico ?.. How true was that film....
I do remember that film D. Didn't Serpico have to go into hiding afterwards? You might be quite right. Maybe some, many or most go into politics for useful reason but in order to survive they have to become corrupt. That doesn't say a lot about pols OR THEIR CONSTITUENTS does it? It's like a silent contract. Give them crumbs and you can get away with anything. Thank you for your thoughtful reply.
How true Rosie...how true.Police ,the courts and people in Goverment that abuse people and so called laws should be punished ten times the sentence of more honest criminal counterparts....:(
I totally agree with thee. We depend on them and trust them to do right by us and when they don't trust is shattered we are betrayed by those who are charged to protect us. There is no excuse for that. None. Zero. Thank you for your reply D and Happy Sunday to thee! :)