Fortunately, I have not had to evacuate for a natural disaster or any other reason. I can't imagine what people who do must be going through. I know it's easy to think that they're fortunate to be alive, and they are, but when you think of what they have to deal with living in shelters, having only what they could carry, and possibly having not home left, it is unfathomable.
It has never happened to me, I am fortunate to say. I know people who have had to evacuate their homes because of wildfire threats, though. A wildfire is unlikely to be a danger to the flat area I live in, but it's possible.
I had no electric for several days thanx to a strong storm. I was able to take refreshing showers thanx to my mother's home being out of the effected area. I went out after the storm and bought the last chain saw I could get since many trees were down around my house, but first I cleared some downed trees that were blocking streets around the hospital.
I stayed with my father for a bit after hurricane Frances back in 2004. We were going to be without power for quite a while and we lived on the backroads which are lowest on the list of priorities, so we just left to stay with my dad since he still had power.