Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» Brett Kavanaugh said he was a virgin until he got married. He was born in 1965 and got married in 2004. Do you believe him?
Got a link? Or more Fake News....That is not what I heard him say. He said he was a virgin throughout high school and college then when pushed farther he would only say for several years afterwards.
Let's stick actual quotes shall we....
The District of Columbia Circuit judge even suggested he had not had sexual intercourse “or anything close to [it]” until long after he had left Georgetown Prep. MacCullum asked, “So you’re saying through all these years that are in question that you were a virgin?” He replied, “That’s correct.” MacCullum also asked how long he remained a virgin while in college, to which Kavanaugh replied, “Many years after, I’ll leave it at that… Many years after.”
This post was edited by my2cents at September 25, 2018 10:48 AM MDT
It is actually a judge who is being questioned about his virginity. Kavanaugh has been nominated to Supreme Court. The Dem pulled a last minute sexual abuse allegation against him to delay the vote. (Noticed in your answer below you said you did not know who he was)
Yes he is the one they are trying to keep out. So weird that they want to question him about that! Can't imagine why but then I guess that is why I don't follow politics. Just seems to beg credibility.
It was in an exclusive interview on Fox News. "Many years after. Let's leave it at that" He got a JD. Equivalent to a doctorate so lots of years in school. So he was somewhere in his mid-20's. So how many is many m2c? Ten. 15? So he was 35. Of course you are limited to your understanding of it based on your partisan bias as am I . We are both limited to how we perceive which is totally controlled by the fact that you are a trumpican and I am a Progressive Liberal Democrat. You can no more help how you think than I can help how I think. I took it to mean he stayed a virgin until he got married. You see it differently. Even so a man who has never had sex until his late 20's or early 30's or mid-30's? You believe that. Fine. I don't. Thank you for your reply and Happy Tuesday to thy /
I watched the interview. That is how I know your question is misquoting him. I post the real quote above in my answer.
The point was that at the time of these accusations he was still a virgin and was for many years afterwards.
How long is many? That varies from person to person....personally I do not care when he lost his virginity.
You don't believe a man could remain a virgin into his 20s? Wow, that is sad to have so little faith in the male gender. Just so you know it happens...
This post was edited by my2cents at September 25, 2018 11:46 AM MDT
I had a man in his 70s tell me he had never had sex EVER. And he had been a teacher and actor and from what I understand quite social as well. I did not question him - that is his business.
Don't know who "Brett Kavanaugh" is (sounds like a movie actor!) but that is his business. I see no reason to titillate myself silly speculating on the sex lives of others, I was not a "virgin" after Nov 1973 and I did not marry until 2011. Do you believe me? Probably who cares, right?
There are loads of folks who have no sexual experience (with a partner I mean) until their thirties or forties or later or until marriage. Its common in these parts.
After all, your right hand don't count does it?
It may not indicate a person's ethics or morality and I have known men who became perverts after their marriage (when they were virgins prior) and during middle-age.