Do guys who get drunk have girlfriends? Unless the girl is a drunk too what would she find appealing about him?
Maybe his drinking is what turned girls off Kav. He said he never had sex during high school or college and "many years after". Maybe it's because girls didn't find him appealing? Do you find drunks alluring appealing sexy?
You know Malizz years ago there was a very sad show on TV. "The Days of Wine and Roses". It was with Jack Lemon (sp?) and Lee Remick I think. It was about a couple who become alcoholics and what it does to their marriage. It's bit fuzzy in my memory because it was a very long time ago but what I do remember is how very sad a life they led. I think whatever spouse is an alcoholic must be tremendously hard to take for the sober one. I've never had to experience what that would be like but I guess the only way to stay together would be for both to get sober or both to stay drunk. Thank you for your reply! :)
I got drunk every now and again - but never in the company of a girl I was trying to impress. Guys tend to behave differently in different situations, or with different people. Teenagers especially so. I still like to get a mild buzz now and again, but on those occasions my better half is drinking too. Not paralytic drunk, just buzzed.
I know when guys get together the conversation is different than when girls are around. THANK GOODNESS! When I was a kid I wrote elsewhere on another thread that the "bad" boys went behind the boys' gym to be very bad by SMOKING CIGARETTES! Now in retrospect that seems so seriously silly. But there was no drunkenness of which I was aware nor drugs nor girls being molested. Now of course that doesn't mean it didn't happen but at the time it was not the typical culture. That was then this is now. Boy how times have changed! Thank you for your reply Sbf! :)
Nope, no guy who gets drunk in the history of the world has ever had a girlfriend, not even if or when the girl or woman also gets drunk and especially if and when the girl or woman prefers the company of a boyfriend who gets drunk. Never, never, never.