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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » I know what people do on their own time is their own business. However, would YOU hire anyone who got drunk as a skunk every weekend? Why?

I know what people do on their own time is their own business. However, would YOU hire anyone who got drunk as a skunk every weekend? Why?

Posted - September 29, 2018


  • 17055
    If he/she's likely to still be impaired on work time, or in the company of clients on weekends, or if they gave a history of committing criminal acts when drunk, then no. Otherwise what they do off duty is none of my business. Drinking is legal. Drunk driving and sexual assault are not.
      September 29, 2018 5:25 AM MDT

  • 113301
    What a lonely life that must be. Looking forward to weekends so you can get drunk as a skunk? I would think it would impair the quality of the work and also there is this. What would prevent such a person from bringing booze to work and sneaking a drink? I have worked with folks who kept a bottle of booze in their large bottom desk drawers. I have worked with folks who reeked of the smell of alcohol. Not very well or very often but they do exist and I have worked side-by-side with them. If all they do is drink themselves to oblivion on weekends I would think they would get drunk every night too and maybe even drink on the job. I'm just sayin'! Thank you for your reply! :)
      September 29, 2018 6:22 AM MDT

  • 53686

      It's theoretically possible that not every employer even knows what each of his/her employees do every weekend, as such, hiring someone who gets drunk every weekend is possible. 
      The way you've worded the premise does not specify whether or not knowledge of the drinking is part of the scenario. 
      Wait, didn't Ted Kennedy (D) drink a lot? Hmmmmm . . .
      September 29, 2018 5:53 AM MDT