Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» Only once in my life did I ever drink to get drunk. I was in my mid-20's and I experienced something I couldn't cope with. What about you?
Well I couldn't cope I guess with life in general. I could not see there was any place in it for myself. I turned to drugs and drink to feel better about myself. To perhaps escape the burden of not being what I had been taught I should be. Which was pretty much my life from age 14 into my mid 20s when I tried to do something about it.
I've been drunk only twice.. both intentional.. first time when I was around 16 or so.... I felt so ill the next day that I thought I would die.. it was horrible and I didn't care to repeat the experience for a long time.. It was 3 decades or so before I tried getting drunk again.. again intentional.. an experiment.. and quite an interesting one at that.. but ultimately not as good as I thought and I became very unwell in the early hours of the morning... violently sick and was ill all next day..
Needless to say I won't be repeating the experience and am quite lucky in that I can drink a fair bit and know the point where I need to stop to avoid being actually drunk.
I truly have no idea how many times, I have been drunk in my life. Yes, it was always on purpose. I do know it has been 2 times in the past 20 yrs and none in the last 12 yrs.
No I am/was not a alcoholic. I was just a rowdy teen.