Discussion»Questions»Games» The Ellipsis Kid and the Tilde Dude meet at dawn for a duel. Based purely on ellipses and tildes as weapons, who might win, and why? ~
I didn't want to break the concentration above. It was too intense. I'm going to have to say, it is a tough call. The ellipsis is very intimidating. It never says a word but implies many. the Tilde is all about words making sure every one is pronounced and spelled correctly. The Tildes attention to detail leads me to believe he will be more accurate. However, Tildes seem to have an allergy or nasalization thing going on and could be distracting. I'll be here at dawn to see how it plays out. My money is still floating in the air.
I do believe it is because Element is the Ellipsis and Randy the Tildes. It is a fun little game they play with us and each other. Who is more powerful and has the most babes?! If you go Ellipsis, you are Team Element. If you go Tildes you are Team Randy. It's all in fun. I say, together we make a sandwich out of both of them and call it a day. One will talk a lot and one with few words. They are the two extremes! You've gotta love it! :) :)