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Have you ever blacked out from drinking alcohol?

I'll answer before you ask me. No, I've never blacked out from drinking. 

Posted - October 6, 2018


  • 53685

      October 6, 2018 9:36 PM MDT

  • 10052
    Do you find the concept hard to comprehend or relate to?
      October 6, 2018 9:43 PM MDT

  • 53685

      No, not at all. (Why would you assume otherwise?)  Just because I have not experienced something myself does not mean I can't empathize. Life is rife with things that don't touch each of us personally, yet we can at least on some levels conceptualize, comprehend and/or relate to them. 
      October 6, 2018 11:27 PM MDT

  • 10052
    I didn't assume, that's why I asked. Why would you assume I was assuming? 

    I wasn't really aware that blacking out was different than passing out until relatively recently. I didn't realize that alcohol alone could produce the same unconscious state of mind that drugs like rohypnol and GHB do. 


      October 7, 2018 8:18 AM MDT

  • 13277
    I don't remember.
      October 6, 2018 9:48 PM MDT

  • 10052
    Hahahahahaha! Good one! 
      October 6, 2018 9:55 PM MDT

  • 10026
    Ahhhhh!  That was what I was going to say!!!  Good Call!!!  :) :)
      October 7, 2018 2:13 AM MDT

  • 44752
    Beat me too it.
      October 7, 2018 7:33 AM MDT

  • 8276
      October 6, 2018 9:53 PM MDT

  • Yes, I have, once. It was like 20 minutes just disappeared from my life. One minute I'm on campus, the next I'm at a barbecue at an apartment building on the other side of town. I don't remember leaving campus, I don't remember getting into a car, I don't remember being driven over to the apartment building, but there I was. This post was edited by Benedict Arnold at October 7, 2018 7:44 PM MDT
      October 6, 2018 10:46 PM MDT

  • 10052
    Did that experience impact how much you decided to drink in the future? 
      October 7, 2018 7:41 AM MDT

  • 13395
    Many times while I was actively addicted to alcohol,  sometimes just a few hours like from awakening in the morning and coming out of a blackout and finding myself at work doing a job of some sort and sometimes days at a time -no recollection of what I done or said to anyone. I would enquire around people I asked said they noticed nothing unusual about my behavior. It is a bit of a shock 'coming to'  suddenly and having no memory of events for the past period of time. 
      October 6, 2018 10:53 PM MDT

  • 10052
    It sounds terrifying to me! I'm something of a 'control freak'; not so much that I care to control others, but I definitely like to know what I'm doing well in advance. I can't imagine not knowing what I'm doing or what I've done. 

    Good to hear you're in recovery and thanks for your honesty!
      October 7, 2018 7:47 AM MDT

  • 13395
    The longest time I know that anyone was in a blackout was about 2 weeks. A guy from the ship (Navy) went home for the weekend where all his family were fisher people -and heavy drinkers. When he came to out of his blackout period he found himself out on the water working on  a fishboat. He then returned to Halifax sap and reported to the ship. Punishment for being AWOL was demotion in rank and a heavy fine - no military detention. I don't think that stopped him from doing booze which he loved so much but maybe he tried to be more careful. This post was edited by Kittigate at October 9, 2018 8:01 AM MDT
      October 8, 2018 12:36 AM MDT

  • 10052
    Wow! That's crazy!! I can't imagine not knowing what I'd done for 2 weeks. 

    I count myself lucky to have avoided the genetic predisposition to addiction. I really hope that I don't come across as judgmental about it. I know that no one sets off to become an addict/alcoholic, and once they're in it, it's really hard to get out of it. I sincerely applaud you for sobriety. 
      October 9, 2018 8:10 AM MDT

  • 10026
    Indeed. Luckily, I was surrounded by good people who took care of me. I have thanked the Universe numerous times.  This was before iphones and videos you could take on the spot. 
    At the bar/restaurant I managed, I jumped on a 8-top table and started to dance to the live band that was playing.  Not only did I dance, I started to take my clothes off.  I don't know what I was thinking.... or lack there of...   
    My co-workers stopped me before I took off my bra and undies.  
    I was very fortunate I was with people I trusted.  But have mercy!  I was told everyone had a great time and I didn't embarrass myself.  HA!  The next day, I had to manage these people!  Nooooo.  They were all good about it and still respected me the next day.  They made a lot of noise and made fun of me a little but I deserved it. :) :)

      October 7, 2018 2:27 AM MDT

  • 53685

      Talk about missed opportunities!  Grrrrrrrr. 

      October 7, 2018 6:27 AM MDT

  • 10026
    Ohhh, I hear I was quite the sight.  Apparently I felt a little nastiness needed to come out.  It was so long ago and I only know what I have been told.  I do remember upside down margaritas.  We ran those as a happy hour special on Wednesdays.  Do you know what that is?  I think in your single years you and your friends would have enjoyed them.  Even now you would and possibly your wife too.  But, since I don't think you drink very often, if ever, maybe not.  Anyway, if you did, you would have liked them.
    The bar was Rocky's Good Bites Cafe in Nashville, Tenn.  It has since shut down but it was fun while it lasted. 
    An upside down margarita is when you place your head in between the breasts of your very attractive cock-tail waitress in a tight Rockies, v-neck shirt and open your mouth.  She has a bottle of tequila in one hand and sweet and sour mix in another.  She gives you a 3-count on the tequila, straight from the bottle and a splash of sweet/sour mix.  You can put salt on your lips before hand if you would like.  Then, you swish it all around in your mouth and swallow. !  Taaa-Daaa!
    There you have it!  I know a served a couple and did my fair share as well.  I do remember dancing on the dance floor but not on the table.  I do remember Jason and Rick helping me off the table.  And, I do remember praying to the porcelain-god almost all night.  I don't remember the dance on the table, how I got home, or up the stairs.   I lived on the top floor. 
    Anyway, if you would have been there, I'm sure we would have made sandwiches. :D! :D!  Big giggles! Winks and Smiles!!

      October 7, 2018 5:44 PM MDT

  • 7280
    I think I found the video taken of you that night. 
      October 7, 2018 5:48 PM MDT

  • 10026
    The one off of YouTube?  I heard someone downloaded it there.  I wish I knew who.   YouTube wasn't around back then but it was on video since we taped all the live bands.  
    How is it?  I have an idea.  Why don't you email it to me so I can see what a fool I was.  I was in that black slinky dress, hu? I was wearing stockings that night too with the line up the back. 
    Oh, please do send it to me!
    Big Huge Winks and Smiles!... This post was edited by Merlin at October 8, 2018 6:14 PM MDT
      October 7, 2018 6:16 PM MDT

  • 10052
    So, I take it that stripping at your place of employment was out of character? ;-)

    Did that experience cause you to rethink how much you drink? 

      October 7, 2018 7:52 AM MDT

  • 10026
    No. Dancing was encouraged and many, many, many people did so on a nightly basis.  They/we danced together on the dance floor with our clothes and under-garments in tact.   At least, to the best of my knowledge, that is what went on. :))  We were a restaurant/live band bar.  Stripping was down the street a few miles on the left. Giggles.  Noooo.  I don't know where the strip clubs were.  There were some but they were not around our neck of the wood.  We were a fun and decent place to eat, dance, and listen to great music!

    Maybe not so much how much I drink but where.  I was 22 and knew better but I just cut loose for some reason. We all partied together.  I took it too far.  It did teach me not to drink on an empty stomach.  It also reminded that when you are in a managerial position, you still need to set an example.  Getting buzzed is fine but flat out drunk and taking off your clothes is not.  DU!!  Even a 16 year old knows this.   The only person I dance and strip for these days is Don and in the privacy of our own home. :) :) This post was edited by Merlin at October 7, 2018 8:30 PM MDT
      October 7, 2018 5:53 PM MDT

  • 6098
    I don't think so.  In my  heavier drinking youth it was more sip sip all day than drinking specifically to become drunk. 
      October 7, 2018 6:45 AM MDT

  • 10052
    I drank to become drunk too many times to count in my youth, but somehow never blacked out. From what I've read, some people are more prone to it, even after not having had that many drinks. All the experts seem to agree that it's an indicator of a potential addiction. 

    Thanks for your reply. 
      October 7, 2018 7:57 AM MDT