Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» Very long ago hearing Clark Gable as Rhett Butler say "Frankly my dear I don't give a dam*" was shocking! What shocks you now?
I don't go to the movies anymore. I can't stand all the uncensored language! A bad word here and there is tolerable, but some low-lifes use bad language in every sentence. I also see some liberal content in some movies, that is depressing!
You are offended by liberal content bh? Why do you show up here? You KNOW I am a Progressive Liberal Democrat. Three words that must offend you greatly individually so collectively they must make you furious!. I would not show up to answer your questions if they offended me. That's just plain silly Why would anyone go out of his or her way to be offended? How is that logical? So what do you get by coming here and chatting with someone who obviously offends thee on every level? Inquiring minds wanna know? Do you show up to answer the questions of other PROGRESSIVE LIBERAL DEMOCRATS? Just wonderin'. You are a confusing person. What I remember best and most about you was the day you asked if I had a book of a thousand questions that I used to ask the questions I do. I think I disabused you of that right? Anyway see ya around?
This post was edited by RosieG at October 14, 2018 7:39 AM MDT
If I were to go to the movies, it would be to get entertained, not politics. KEEP DA POLITICS OUTTA HOLLYWOOD is what I say. Here, there is plenty of politics if one wishes to discuss them.
I'm unshockable when it comes to language - I think Billy Connolly and Frankie Boyle are hilarious, despite the fact that both throw the F-word around like confetti. It must be a Glasgow thing.
Pedophilia - that sickens me. I was heartbroken when one of my favourite artists was exposed as a pedophile. I despise Rolf Harris now.
This post was edited by Slartibartfast at November 6, 2018 3:13 AM MST
Not me Sbf! I'm shockable even though I say dam* and sh** here I don' t really talk like that. I mean how would I pronounce two asterisks? But I like the visuals provided by asterisks. I have no idea why. I do not like "blue" material of any kind. I'm old school old fashioned old. I like humor based on clever and observant and classy and low key. I don't like humor that embarrasses me or makes feel otherwise uncomfortable. I like gentle humor that self-deprecates rather than attacks. Thank you for your reply! :)
Since living in this town for just a little over a year, I am not only shocked but disgusted by how often a child is hit by a vehicle in or around the elementary school parking lots. On average, I would say it occurs about 5 times a month. It blows my mind. Yes, children have to learn to 'look both ways" before crossing, and they have to learn to assume that they may not be easily visible to drivers. However, many of these crazy idiots behind the wheel are in such a hurry, and/or they are distracted by their crazy kids in the back seat, or this...or that. This particular town has the most obnoxious, insane, incompetent, careless drivers than any Northern California/Bay Area town I have lived in with the exception of San Francisco. And the amount of "hit and run" accidents...astounding. I am living in Crazy Town. Crazy Town, California.
This post was edited by Benedict Arnold at November 6, 2018 6:10 AM MST
Which town is that lavender or would you prefer not to say? I live in Hemet, California laughingly referred to as "The Inland Empire"! Anyway that would fall under the label of "accident". I'm more concerned with the gun-related mass slaughters that occur in our schools and how callous cold and argumentatively defiant gun-lovers are about it. Far worse in my opinion. SIGH. Thank you for your reply and Happy Tuesday! :).
Well in the 50's I was a little shocked when I heard a mother of 2 children say "Ward you were a little ruff on the Beaver last night" but now a days I'm appalled by some of the things I see and hear on TV and in the movies. Cheers!
This post was edited by Nanoose at November 6, 2018 5:39 AM MST
Exactly Nanoose! What used to upset us seems so mild and almost silly when compared to today. Are people getting callouser and colder and meaner or am I just now noticing it? I'm gonna ask. Thank you for your reply and Happy Tuesday! :)