Discussion»Questions»Communication» Would anyone like to pm and share confessions, controversial opinions, kinks, and just be funny? I want to discover myself through internet
Hi, Pearl! I have the same challenge. When I'm in answerMug with the Google browser, I am unable to type anything in the empty message box. When I go to answerMug with Mozilla, it all works fine.
JA has weeded out the pervs. You have nothing to worry about. Just post your phone #
This post was edited by Benedict Arnold at October 19, 2018 10:19 PM MDT
I'm probably being unfair to the movie, actually. But I only saw the movie after everyone I knew and the rest of the world just kept RAVING about how GREAT this movie was. And it simply failed to live up to those expecations that were being shouted at me from everywhere. :)
I find the entire plot rather unbelievable, too. Forrest kept showing up at all of these iconic, huge events from history. I started to think, "Oh, he was there, too. And there. And there."
I find Tom Hanks' performance rather overrated and irritating, too. I thought Sally Field was better than he was - - unfortunately, her character is not in the movie relatively much.
I smiled to myself as I kept thinking, "When is the movie going to end?" It wasn't "Run, Forrest, Run!" for me -- it was "Please Stop Forrest, Stop!"
I know I come across as harsh.
Like I said, I did really enjoy Sally Field. And was it the beginning? Or the end? Or both? - - the beautiful feather image floating around. I liked that.
A couple of times I've been highly criticized for my thoughts on the movie. But, actually, I know of several other answerMuggers who didn't like the movie, either. It's come up in some other questions here and there.
It's really not meant to be factually believable you know? ;) Maybe if you think of it as an homage to the sixties and seventies and the moments that defined us as a nation sewn together thru the eyes of a more than simple man. A pure spirit. And the love story. Come on you got to love the story. Have you ever met someone like Jennie? Someone unreachable? Self destructive ?Someone you can't tame but you can't help but loving them? And they love you. Just never enough ? Then you have to go on one of those Forrest Gumps runs? I'm sure you have. I think it's a sweet story. :)
This post was edited by Benedict Arnold at October 19, 2018 8:38 PM MDT
I get it, yeah, you're right. I can see that it probably is not meant to be a factual type of story line. Good point!
The love story -- no, it didn't move me at all. I really don't know why. I don't even remember anything about Jennie. I've only seen the movie once. I remember most that Hanks irritated me with his performance. (In a strange comparison, I know -- both Hanks and Dustin Hoffman got rave reviews for Gump and -- what's that Hoffman movie -- "Rainman," that's it - - both of them got huge accolades. Yet, I find a young Leonardo DiCapprio outshines them both in his role in "What's Eating Gilbert Grape." DiCapprio comes across as completely natural to me, a real human being -- and both Hoffman and Hanks came across to me as "Look-at-me, I'm acting really well." In both movies, I didn't believe in their characters. It's getting late -- I realize I don't make sense and come across as harsh.) Maybe it was just a bad day for me when I saw "Forrest Gump." :)
Thanks for the good reminders, though, of what the movie should be. :)
This post was edited by WelbyQuentin at October 19, 2018 8:51 PM MDT
Tbh, I can't stand Tom Hanks. I liked the movie inspite of him. I think so.etimes actors get so big that they start to believe their own hype. And the whole movie is about look at me how awesome I am. I get you.