Atheists do not believe in fairies either, trust me. If they are good people, they don't have to sprinkle anything on anything.
Apparently the Christian prayers are working on them.
Maybe by not being mean spirited and sarcastic. That would be a good start.
I guess PCP would make for some interesting church services.
Here it is from the Goat's mouth.
There is no god. There are no angels, ghosts, unicorns, mothmen, devils, leprachauns, Cthulu or any other supernatural beings or deities either.
I can keep them in my thoughts and wish them well. I can provide sympathy, empathy, congrats and condolences.
People are free to believe in any fairy tales or myth as they please as long as they don't interfere or have any influence on any aspect of my life.
mean spirited, sure, but sarcasm isn't always a negative thing. the author here makes good use of it in the question title, for example. =)
Benevolent atheists simply behave in an accepting way,
allowing and respecting the right of others to choose their beliefs.
Some go further, by publishing books
on how ethics need not depend upon faith,
but how they can be built upon empathy, compassion, and fairness
to ecology, animals, and people irrespective of difference
in striving for the well-being of all.
But it's a matter of letting the horse come to the water when it's thirsty.
Just continue to be a jack ass; that'll work.
Atheists don't need anyone to pray for them.
I don't need strangers kissing me either, thanks.
The war on Christmas will have to suffice.