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Discussion » Questions » Health and Wellness » What is a substance to which you are allergic yet wish you were not, and/or one to which you don't mind being allergic?

What is a substance to which you are allergic yet wish you were not, and/or one to which you don't mind being allergic?

(I'm NKA; No Known Allergies. It merely means that whatever can kill me has not yet been discovered or that no one knows what can kill me.)


Posted - November 8, 2018


  • 6098
    Thank you that makes sense. 
      November 10, 2018 6:15 AM MST

  • 19938
    I just posted that.  I hadn't seen your reply.  Great minds ...
      November 9, 2018 10:19 AM MST

  • 19938
    I believe that alloy is nickel.  I have the same problem so I only wear 14K gold earrings. This post was edited by SpunkySenior at November 10, 2018 8:56 PM MST
      November 9, 2018 10:13 AM MST

  • 33747
    I get hay fever in the spring.
      November 9, 2018 6:47 AM MST

  • 1893
    Ragweed, if I were not sensitive to it I would save a lot of money every fall.  I would save a lot of trees.  Now Wall Street would shoot me since Kimberly Clarks stock would fall on lost Kleenex sales however
      November 9, 2018 9:57 AM MST

  • 22891
    inn allergic to a lot of stuff including foods but i find if i take benadryl and claritin i can eat what i want without reacting
      November 9, 2018 12:43 PM MST

  • I would have thought a mugger's repeated use of "a women" would have finished you by now. 
      December 17, 2018 9:11 PM MST

  • 53328

      Lol, close, but not quite. I have hope that he'll figure it out some day. 

      December 17, 2018 9:52 PM MST