Discussion»Questions»Human Behavior» Are we really all that different? Are there more similarities than differences? And do we tend to concentrate on the differences?
But I wonder.. are we more the same than we are different? DO we all care, and cry and love and laugh.. aren't those things more important than finding ways we are different and using those differences to hurt and humiliate?
I think there are more things we have in common than what separates us. For the most part, I think we all want to have a decent place to live, a good job so we can take care of ourselves and our families, we want to be free to decide what's best for us, to worship as we please, to be able to come and go when we like, to be able to get a good education for ourselves and our children and have access to good and affordable health care.
Yes, that's what I was thinking.. we have all these things in common.. we think, we feel, we hurt... so why do we so often seem to focus on the differences and use them to hurt others.. I know human nature is as it is.. but I got to wondering.. how much more we could all achieve if we really did stop focusing in a negative way on differences..
Unfortunately, I think the reason it seems that we are always fighting each other is because what we read and hear in the news is what the two extremes are doing. There are a whole lot of us in the middle who aren't that rabid and who, in our own ways, in our own communities are trying to maintain civility and respect for our neighbors. But, that doesn't sell.
Yes and no. The differences matter. The differences are what shapes how we view things and how we behave. However, I think we should do a better job of honoring and respecting our differences as well as be more accepting of people who are different from us. If we pretend those differences do not exist, then we will never understand the other side.
wow...I just typed many words just to have them disappear... Yikes but will try once more... apparently what I wrote wasn't allowed or wasn't for your ears hahaha the Cosmos at work... ...Deep question... Yes we concentrate on the differences. It's all many of us know. It's what we have been taught throughout the ages and our lives. Most see themselves as a separate being, an individual separate from all things. Ego keeps us in that position. And Yes the similarities go deep. Many people, bless their Souls, can see the vast similarities, and some can see the deeper connection we have with life. We are one Being, but that cannot be understood or experienced through our thoughts. So most people miss that knowledge, in Essence...God exists within you as you. Same with everyone. Talk about similarities? hahaha But many dwell in differences and never see the light... Until our mind becomes still without thoughts running through it and our Ego dissolves, we will forever see only the differences and will never be aware of and experience the deepest unity of life.