Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» Birds of a feather flock together. Vultures bond over the dying/dead. Some circle prey together. Are you a salivating circler? Know any?
Vultures and their kind are one of the most important creations of Everloution Rosie.....They cleanse the world of all rotting Carcass's and prevent diseases .....Tibet I believe carry their dead up high into the mountains ,break open the bodies and let the vultures dispose of the bodies....There is no pollution and it continues life's natural cycle :)
Vultures feed on carrion. I like the word D. I'm gonna use it in a question. I think the Zoroasters also leave the bodies of their dead out to be eaten so maybe the Tibetans are followers of Zoroaster? So everything in life has a purpose then? I'm gonna ask that too D. Thank you for your reply! :)
It's an Iranian religion founded by a man named Zoroaster hundreds of years ago D. I worked for an architect once upon a time in Los Angeles, California who received commission from a very wealthy client to design TWELVE houses of worship across the country. It was to be a place in which all faiths could come to worship and feel comfortable. He gave me a project to do. Read up on world religions and come up with some basic commonalities among them. You know I'm 81 now and was in my mid-20s when I did that. I don't remember many details but I do remember the one about Zoroastrians taking their dead and not burying them but leaving them out in the open so that other living things could feed off them. It sounds horrendous to some of us but it was actually a very spiritual thing for them to do. Instead of the flesh rotting in the earth and doing no good it would be used to sustain life in another living creature. Did I answer your question D? Thank you for asking it! :) I left the firm before I found out if the client liked the proposal I came up with so I don't know if it ever materialized or fell through. :)
You did thanks Rosie....No matter how or where we die though,we all return to the atoms we were all created from...as far as I know....you can't destroy a atom......I think you can with uranium.....but it's not adviseable to try or even mess with it.... It had a shelf life of billions of years before any went off 73 years ago.....:(
That is so hard for me to grasp/comprehend D. A shelf-life of BILLIONS of years? Just our luck that it is something awful horrendous devastating. Thank you for your informative reply. I wonder why that is? Just circumstance happenstance? Do such things exist or is there some invisible universal thing going on about which we can only surmise and opine but can never KNOW? I dunno. Sometimes my brain gets way overloaded with such questions that no one can answer! Sometimes it isn't easy being me. I don't know how to shut down the questions that occur to me! AARRGGHH! :)
This post was edited by RosieG at November 13, 2018 3:17 AM MST