Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » When you are DONE with something don't you just leave it? What is so complicated about exiting BREXIT? Once in it are you stuck forever?

When you are DONE with something don't you just leave it? What is so complicated about exiting BREXIT? Once in it are you stuck forever?

Posted - November 15, 2018


  • 1305
    Funny isn't it? Britain existed, even thrived on its own for years without being joined to the EU, and now we can't even leave the damn thing that none of us had a vote to join in the first place, that killed our industry, charged us extortionate amounts of money to be a member, and stopped us from having free trade with other countries, and sold off most of our countries industry to other countries and made us bail out other countries which are now in extreme debt.  The reason they say it's taking so long is because our laws were dictated by Brussels and now they want negotiation on what we decide as our laws and our trading.

    As Nigel Farage has said, all we want is to govern our own country and control our borders, and gain our own fishing waters back. Even the Italian Prime Minister described the EU as "the orchestra playing on the Titanic."  All the EU has achieved is to get all the European countries into more debt with the rich bankers.  It has also divided countries. 

    All this bull crap about Brexit spending more money on their promotion is bollocks, do you know how hard it was for us to get any details about Brexit? And yet the government sent everyone (at the peoples expense) leaflets on Staying in the EU, no one went without that information.  People who wanted to know about Brexit had to get off their arses to find out about it; while other's sat on their arses thinking it was a foregone conclusion and that that we'd stay in the EU.  Even I was shocked at Brexit I didn't think it stood a chance.

    The problem with this country is who is at the head of the realm, they want to destroy sovereignty, they want to destroy individuality, and they want to remove everything we own so they can have it for themselves, they want to stop freedom of speech by the use of Political Correctness, and erase our rights to privacy, whilst making money as war profiteers, same old game, same old players nothing has changed.

    Brexit won't happen, and if it does it will look no different to how it is now, we'll still be in the EU.

      November 15, 2018 11:48 AM MST

  • 113301
    You must blew me away kj! That is the most informative comprehensive and intelligent description I've ever read. Condolences to you m'dear. Of course as an outsider who lives across the pond I can't understand what the he** is going on vis a vis exiting Brexit!  But you explained it beautifully for which I thank thee profusely. So you sit and wait and keep hoping? I know the feeling. Thank you for a most enlightening reply to my question. Happy Friday! :)
      November 16, 2018 4:40 AM MST

  • 17048
    The two best reasons to oppose Brexit are that Nigel and Boris are for it.
      November 16, 2018 5:19 AM MST