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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » President Obama spent his Thanksgiving Day volunteering his services at a Chicago Food Bank. Can you see the john of don doing that?

President Obama spent his Thanksgiving Day volunteering his services at a Chicago Food Bank. Can you see the john of don doing that?

A 5-minute photo op at a Miami "food bank" he might well do. He loves cameras and photo ops. But spending all day serving food to others rather than pigging out himself?  Never gonna happen. He called the troops from the comfort of his Mar A Lago mansion and talked about himself and was very much a partisan political hack. On Thanksgiving! To the troops! The classless boor keeps getting more and more boorish. No one loves him enough to tell him that. No one dares. Not even his kids.  SIGH. The only guy who is so obtuse he wants press to cover his bloopers and lies and egregious attacks. Whatta guy. SIGH.

Posted - November 24, 2018


  • 2706
    Obama is not "the" President or "a" President. :)
      November 24, 2018 8:32 AM MST

  • 53676

      Numerous politicians and former politicians pull publicity stunts and participate in photo opportunities, both those politicians whom you detest and those politicians whom you adore.  Neither Obama invented a new wheel here by his actions nor did Trump by not performing the same actions.  Just like the tireless other examples of post-a-rant-because-I-hate-Trump, this is a non-issue.
      November 24, 2018 9:19 AM MST