Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» If you don't choose to help lift up others you're just an albatross that drags/pushes them down. Are you a helper upper or a dragger downer?
Really Walt? So far you have always helped lift me up in one way or another. Now I KNOW I am not that special so I expect that when you engage with folks you cannot help yourself. You are a born lifter upper. Sorry if no one told you that before! Thank you for your reply m'dear! :)
If I could, I would. I mean it is an impossibility as far as I am concerned.
If I could make him see the error of his ways? WOW. But that would entail him looking inwards. I think it would give him a heart-attack if he could see what his actions really mean.
SO, maybe God is waiting till he leaves the planet before he shows him.
I do not think that anyone is eternally damned. But I do think he is in for one heck of a voyage once he leaves this mortal coil. There is no wheeling and dealing in the good part of the higher realms.
If he still is stuck in that mode? It would be like being a con in a jail full of con-artists. He can brag and sway and pretend he is king of the roost down there, but he will be down there for a long time if he does not finally wake up.
Can you wake up from hell? Maybe. You may be forced to reincarnate in some form that is even more dangerous, or you may come back exposed for what you are. A sick, demented maniac and wind up being hurtful in some small mean way that causes pain and suffering once more.
Every choice you make. Every preference you have. Everything you buy or don't buy is the product JUDGMENT in action. You are judgmental no more or less than anyone else is. Why that word hangs people up I have no idea. I guess they are being judgmental. Thank you for your reply.
This post was edited by RosieG at November 27, 2018 2:14 AM MST