Yet another reason I think you are an outstanding person! The item you brought to the table was "thank you notes." Deliciously done, Kittigate.:) Absolutely tasteful and classy. :)
Happy! Happy!
This post was edited by Merlin at December 3, 2018 9:19 AM MST
I'm glad I shared with you that original answer. But then I read it again today and I feared my answer might be potentially construed as arrogance by me. I didn't intend arrogance at all and, deep down, I believe it didn't come across that way. But I second guess myself sometimes. Thanks for your kindness in all of this. I appreciated your input (and Nom de Plume's). Anyway, thanks again.
(My favorite part of my answer, actually, was posting the music by Laurie Anderson, ha! I love that song.)
Cooking. I like to invent my own recipes. Recently the challenge was making an apple pie without spices as my English boyfriend hates cinnamon, ginger, nutmeg. Actually came out fine without spice, just brown sugar:)