Discussion » Questions » Television and Movies » Is anyone here a film student or a film buff? Or maybe you're just really into one specific genre, or filmmaker? If so who/what do you like?

Is anyone here a film student or a film buff? Or maybe you're just really into one specific genre, or filmmaker? If so who/what do you like?

Maybe you're just really knowledgeable of any of these categories: horror films, or sci fi, or b-movies, or noir, or historical epics, or blaxploitation, or kung fu, or musicals, or silent films, or lifetime movies, or f**king anything.

Posted - December 4, 2018


  • 4624
    I enjoy most art films.
    Prefer them in English, but subtitles are okay.

    Ingmar Bergman's film of Mozart's Magic Flute.
    Claude Berri's Manon des Sources
    Fellini's Satirycon
    Louis Malle's My Dinner with Andre

    This post was edited by inky at December 4, 2018 8:29 PM MST
      December 4, 2018 5:35 PM MST

  • 268
    right on, that's a really awesome selection! I've only seen two of those, the magic flute and My dinner with andre. Both are great, and in particular my dinner is one of my favorite movies of all time. I'm gonna check out Satirycon, and Manon des Sources, so thanks for bringing them to my attention!
      December 4, 2018 7:10 PM MST

  • 23837
    I love Bergman's "The Magic Flute"!! 

    Any time I hear the Queen of the Night's aria, I ALWAYS, ALWAYS picture in my mind that movie scene! It's my favorite scene in that movie.

    This post was edited by WelbyQuentin at December 8, 2018 1:50 AM MST
      December 4, 2018 8:30 PM MST

  • 23837
    I like all kinds of movies in all kinds of genres but:

    I tend to talk a lot about George Romero's 1968 original "Night of the Living Dead" -- my #1 favorite movie (and a scene is my avatar here on answerMug)

    I like director Michael Haneke's films -- his 1997 original "Funny Games" (not his American remake; I've not seen that) is a VERY disturbing-to-me masterpiece

    If I had to pick the best movie I've seen, I'd choose Lars Von Trier's "Dancer in the Dark"
      December 4, 2018 8:35 PM MST

  • 268
    I love the first three Dead movies to death, pun intended. Day is my favorite, and I wish it had stopped there. But I love a few other of Romero's movies too, like Martin, and Knightriders.

    I've only scene the american (or English?) version of funny games, and I had planned on watching the original eventually, but it's kind of been put on hold indefinitely because a pattern that started to emerge: Michael Haneke murders a shit ton of animals. I can kind of understand killing a chicken or something for artistic proposes if it's absolutely necessary (like in Pink Flamingos, or the water buffalo in Apocalypse Now), and if the filmmaker doesn't make it a habit, but damn he made it more than a habit. He is objectionably a great filmmaker, but this is a rare occasion where I just couldn't stomach it anymore.

    And I have not seen Dancer in the Dark, but I will eventually. Lars Von Trier is an enigma to me, so far I've only seen like 4 of his movies but they're all over the place. A couple of them I dislike but Melancholia and Europa were both pretty great. And then there's all the insane shit he says in interviews and panels about maybe being a nazi haha, which may just be some sort of self deprecation or something, but I can't tell
      December 4, 2018 9:33 PM MST

  • 23837
    Interesting stuff here, bigloseridiotman! I have to go back to work now but I hope to reply more.

    I saw "Martin" but not "Knightriders." I love his (and Stephen King's) "Creepshow," too.

    Be Well -- 
      December 5, 2018 3:17 PM MST

  • 23837
    I liked those first three Dead movies, too! And, I, too, always thought they could have ended the series there. I saw "Land of the Dead," I think it was called, and was not overly impressed, but I still liked it.

    I don't have a strong desire to see Haneke's American/English "Funny Games" - - the original was outstanding! And, from a close friend who has seen both, and from what I've read, the remake is basically a shot-for-shot remake. I like Michael Pitt as an actor -- I'm sure he was superb -- but Arno Frisch is the tennis-whites tormentor to me. I don't want to see another version.
    This is the first I've heard about Haneke and animals. I'm unsure if I want to hear details. Yikes.

    And you know more about von Trier than I do. I've seen the trilogy of his woman-under-challenges (or whatever they're called) films -- I think "Dogville" and "Dancer in the Dark" are two of them. The other one's title escapes me at the moment. I'm quickly losing any brain coherence. Just got home from work. Trier and Nazi-ism I've not heard. You're way more up on movies than I am.
      December 5, 2018 7:44 PM MST

  • 268
    wow a shot for shot remake? I never understand the point of doing that.

    But yeah, I don't wanna say that Von Trier is definitely a nazi, but there's two or three quotes by him saying he is, and either he's just trying to shock people and make a statement like "we're all nazis man!" or, he's literally a nazi haha.

    here's a question: have you seen George Romero's Monkey Shines? I have not, it has the reputation of being really bad but the plot sounds so insane that I still really want to see it
      December 7, 2018 10:38 AM MST

  • 6988
    My niece took videography (?) in college. It hasn't helped her get a job but she hangs out with TV station type people at the baseball/ hockey games in Toledo where she works. We are related to Franchot Tone, a film actor from the 30s-40s-50s-60s. 
      December 5, 2018 7:09 AM MST

  • 6098
    I saw a film on TV in September 2000 I liked but cannot remember the title.  A group of middle-aged and young adults get together for a few days at a house in the woods in winter and hang out.  The house belonged to the father of one of them who recently died in a plane crash and his (the father's) girlfriend is still living there. The son is a psychiatrist who married a former patient and they are coming apart. There is lots of tension between them. Her young sister and sister's boyfriend are among their guests.  Later in the film they visit the site of the plane crash that killed his father which is in the vicinity and they all go out to a country music bar to dance and drink too much.  In the film's climactic scene the sisters are driving together and the older suddenly runs into a snowy field and admits to the younger that she has had an abortion because she did not want to have her husband's child. At the end of the fil she leaves her husband and they all see her off on the train.  After which the men go back to the house and talk of going spring skiing at Tuckerman's Ravine.  Might have been a Canadian film.  Very lengthy, from the 90s or possibly the 80s,  and has an original  classical music score which I recall as woodwind quintet music. 
      December 5, 2018 7:45 AM MST

  • 268
    I don't recognize the movie you speak of but it sounds like a nice little drama. If I figure out what it is I'll watch it and let you know what the title was!
      December 5, 2018 7:33 PM MST

  • 6098
    Thank you very much. 
      December 7, 2018 5:11 AM MST

  • 22891
    no, inn not a flinn student
      December 5, 2018 9:51 AM MST

  • 555
    I am a sort of film buff. I don't have a favourite genre, but I tend to prefer films that have strong believable characters and well-written plots, or have beautiful shots that make good use of their locations, or challenge the viewers' preconceptions in some way. My favourite big budget movie this year was "First Man" - I especially enjoyed the action scenes, and the moon landing sequence was sublime. Others I've particularly enjoyed - "Leave no Trace" - it's about a traumatised war veteran who lives in a wilderness park in Oregon with his young daughter; one day the authorities find them and the film is about them trying to find a new place to live. Not an event-driven film, but one where every aspect of everyday life is laden with significance. Two unknown actors, very moving especially the conclusion. Also "The Wild Pear Tree" from Turkish director Nuri Bilge Ceylan - a tricky one to summarise. And "Styx" which I saw at Leeds International Film Festival and probably won't go on general release, unfortunately. Lars von T is a bit too heavy for me, I have to say, but I like European cinema generally.
      December 7, 2018 3:16 PM MST

  • 604
    OMG I LOVE LOVE LOVE movies.....ours and foreign..I think Fellini's "8 1/2" and "La Dolce VIta' are just 2 of the greatest films ever ever ever....

    can watch them over and over & never get tired of them.....

    there are, though two directors whose work I will never ever watch again: I. Bergman and Godard........egads what crap......hell must be having to sit thru every movie I. Bergman ever made........yuk!!

    I think "NIagara" is an overlooked classic in its own way, but then I'm a HUGE Monroe fan, but looking at it objectively, it had so many great things in it........

    and in "Close Encounters".......I had tears in my eyes when the ET was walking off the ship.......what a moment!!!!!!!

    and that's all for now!!!!!
      September 13, 2019 9:23 AM MDT