What did the experienced winner win? Is he a tired old dinosaur? Or is he a dependable winner.
If he is an experienced, trustworthy winner, then that is a no-brainer choice. If he has earned his stripes, so be it. He is the right choice. However, these so-called experienced winners are also flawed humans and this newbie, may be a flash-in-the-pan or someone who is progressive and needs to be heard, needs a chance.
I would go with Obama any day rather than John McCain and Sara Palin. Yes, McCain had marvelous qualities, had loads of experience and a character that could not be matched in most cases. But, he was an old dinosaur, with old dinosaur beliefs. Obama, was an untried and progressive leader who I wanted to give a chance to.
Of the two? It was also a no-brainer.
I want Beta O'Rouke, not some tried and true old school, living in the past, stodgy believer in "The OLD WAYS ARE THE BEST, kind of human." Life is change and if we don't change, we are condemned to let this planet decay. Global warming is a threat. IT is the GREATEST threat we have right now, and anyone who is not focused in joining together to halt and try and reverse this threat, are individuals that are leading us into Armageddon. Forget the terrorists. The enemy lies within. With the big business morons who do not get that money is not going to save the planet. Greed is not.
Reform is the only way. We are eating food that will kill us. It is a certainty. Decades ago the cancer rate was 2-5 percent. Now it is 50 percent. This is INSANE and we are just accepting it. Because? We listen to commercials telling us of the latest PILL that has hideous side-effects that will save us this time. When all the other pills did not.
How about learning about HOW the cancer even started? Because it is inconvenient to realize that everything in the grocery store, packaged, processed and dead food is the culprit.
The organic label? A joke most times, because the soil this food is grown in is rife with chemicals that go from the plant into our bodies.
We need to grow our own food. We need to learn a few steps about composting, and we need to control our own health. When the demand is great, the businesses that contribute to health for the earth and us will appear.
This post was edited by WM BARR . =ABSOLUTE TRASH at December 17, 2018 3:42 AM MST