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Name something that is banned these days. (As the Burkini by the French on the Mediterranean coast.)

Is there anything that is banned where you live that you think is ridiculous?

Posted - August 24, 2016


  • 44748

    Women walking around topless. By the way...what is a burkini?

      August 24, 2016 7:11 AM MDT

  • 2515
    @Element, In France all women go swimming topless. But Muslim women have a head covering and bathing suit that looks like a warm up suit. That's called a Burkini.
      August 24, 2016 7:37 AM MDT

  • 5354

    The N.... word

      August 24, 2016 7:37 AM MDT

  • 5354

    Yes, there are nude beaches in France, but that dont mean that All French women bathe topless.

    You could say that it is about as common as Muslim women wearing a burkini to bathe. Most do not ;-))

      August 24, 2016 7:41 AM MDT

  • 11390
    Street musicians (it' more of a bi law thing) but I think there would be no harm having a bit of music in the streets. Cheers!
      August 24, 2016 8:34 AM MDT

  • 44748

    And Italy...and Spain. I have been to both. Thank you for telling me what a burkini is. I learnt a new word.

      August 24, 2016 10:18 AM MDT

  • 44748

    Not by Blacks. They use it all the time.

      August 24, 2016 10:19 AM MDT

  • 44748

    Canadians are so boring. No street music? Preposterous.

      August 24, 2016 10:20 AM MDT

  • 2515
    One of my Friends spent a month in France one summer. She stayed with a French family, since her friend was from there. She said everyone, including the grandmothers ran around the beach topless. She didn't but felt out of place. The French are very not inhibited! So why are they so picky about wearing more clothes to the beach? It's ridiculous!
      August 24, 2016 10:24 AM MDT

  • 2515
    @Element, welcome! :-)
      August 24, 2016 10:25 AM MDT

  • 2515
    South of France: All.
      August 24, 2016 10:28 AM MDT

  • I live in New Hampshire.

    One of the most rediculous things we ban is sleeping overnight in a boat.

    The intent was to prevent people from "spoiling" the pristine habitats of the rich who own waterfront property.

      August 24, 2016 11:56 AM MDT

  • 30

    Carrying weapons into certain places.

      August 24, 2016 12:21 PM MDT

  • Not having a smartphone or internet to function in society.

      August 24, 2016 12:27 PM MDT

  • 5835

    Asking any question about the holocaust. Any question at all is a social crime. In some countries it is a felony.

    Where I live it against the law to kill a camel. This is how Zonies feel about camels.

    Zonies = Arizona residents

      August 25, 2016 3:20 AM MDT

  • 369

    Hand Guns in the UK, if caught in possession mandatory 5 years in jail.

      August 25, 2016 6:42 AM MDT

  • You can't even get a permit to carry?

      August 25, 2016 8:21 AM MDT

  • 46117

    No.  But where I live most everything is ridiculous.

      August 25, 2016 8:27 AM MDT