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Discussion » Questions » Emotions » QUESTION: do the Americans on this website think that the people from other countries really give a crap about all your Trump feud crap?

QUESTION: do the Americans on this website think that the people from other countries really give a crap about all your Trump feud crap?

Posted - December 30, 2018


  • 2960
    Other countries don't matter.

      December 30, 2018 7:22 PM MST

  • We have instagram here too,  so we’re kind of a big deal. 
      December 30, 2018 7:23 PM MST

  • 976
    I do believe they care. But, I think some have their own hate of Trump. I know of a lady from Scotland who HATES Trump and her hate is justified in her mind because of what he's done in her country.
      December 30, 2018 7:25 PM MST

  • I’m not from the USA. I really don’t care for Trump as a person.  But omfg, Who that frak cares...He’ll be gone soon enough and he gives late night tv some good material. So that’s good. 
      December 30, 2018 7:35 PM MST

  • 53404

      I certainly don't think so, in fact, I think the entire topic of Donald Trump, either pro- or anti-, is embarrassingly dull.  It does amaze me that a few people from other countries are as plugged I go it as they are. Lastly, there are scars of American citizens who don't care about the subject one iota.
      December 30, 2018 7:39 PM MST

  • I find the topic boring.  edit : I edited because I was rambling on and I’m trying my best not to do that anymore... online at least :) This post was edited by Benedict Arnold at December 30, 2018 8:04 PM MST
      December 30, 2018 7:47 PM MST

  • 16637
    When a demented megalomaniac has his tiny orange claws on the launch codes of the world's largest nuclear aresenal, it makes us nervous. Ditto the tariff war - China is Australia's biggest and most important trading partner. When America hits its thumb with a hammer, the global economy screams in pain. It matters.
      December 30, 2018 8:11 PM MST

  • I know that you’re not American, I also know this comment was not directed to me.... but seriously? Do you really think he is going to start a Nuc.  war... or have any long lasting impact on the US/ foreign affairs? Do you think any world leaders take him that seriously? Only thing I feel bad for Americans about having him as POTUS is the effect ( affect?) he has the potential to bring to their Supreme Court. The rest of his shizzat really won’t matter in the end. 
      December 30, 2018 8:21 PM MST

  • 53404

      You have good points about tangible concerns that potentially carry worldwide consequences.

    A majority of the rancor about Donald Trump, however, is expressed through childish name-calling, insults about his physical attributes, pointless accusations, myopic perspectives from partisan divides, misguided calls for impeachment through means that don't legally exist, etc.

      December 30, 2018 8:25 PM MST

  • 16637
    I study history. The myriad of scandals mirrors that of the Harding administration, and the storm clouds gathering are even more strongly reminiscent of 1973. Nixon resigned under a "quit or be impeached" ultimatum, Flynn is singing like a canary but I doubt Trump is smart enough to listen. He'll be impeached, multiple grounds but obstruction is key.
    Some of his key appointments are worrying - Bolton and Pompeo chief among them. Both have publicly called for pre-emptive strikes and nuclear annihilation of North Korea and Iran. China and Russia will NOT be cool with that.
      December 30, 2018 8:40 PM MST

  • 53404

      Like I said, I don't disagree with salient, pertinent discourse. In its place, there is a lot of childish name-calling, insults about physical attributes, pointless accusations, myopic perspectives from partisan divides, misguided calls for impeachment through means that don't legally exist, etc. 
      December 30, 2018 9:32 PM MST

  • 33867
    There do seem to be many from other countries who have strong opinions about President Trump. 
      December 30, 2018 8:34 PM MST

  • I’m not saying that people from other countries do not have an opinion on your president... or should not. Of course we do. I’ve just noticed, online, and not only in this forum, that it seems to be all Americans want to talk about lately. I personally do not care for the PM of my country. Wouldn’t you get sick of me and a bunch of other Canadians having a war of words over the leader of Canada? cos it really doesn’t matter in the long run. ..How much your head would weigh if it was made of veal matters much more. IMHO. 
      December 30, 2018 8:45 PM MST

  • 33867
    I understand...personally I do not care about Canada's PM or any other leaders or Royals.
      December 30, 2018 9:11 PM MST

  • That’s fair. I understand that this site is owned by an American,  and that most of the members are American. I chose to rejoin and it is not my personal playground. Was just in the mood to vent ;) cos I do that sometimes. 
      December 30, 2018 9:15 PM MST

  • 7938
    Eh... Do they care about the "Trump feud?" In that respect, I suspect not. We do have quite a few (like Slarti above) who engage in discussions about American politics. I suspect if we had a larger European audience, we'd probably be discussing Brexit in much the same way. But, we don't. The vast majority of site members are American, so I think it's natural American politics get more press. 

    That being said, I was in a discussion earlier with someone who said that Trump was respected by allies to America. And, I made a list of allies who have spoken poorly of Trump. I have to wonder if you caught that and perhaps that's why you posed this. If so, my point wasn't to say people from other countries should care or even that they do. However, the leaders of virtually every country have taken a stance- Trudeau included. Many global leaders think Trump is dangerous. Your comment about how it will pass... that's not entirely so. He's undoing decades of work and relationship building between countries. Leaders from countries like France and Germany want to prepare for war- afraid of what will happen next. That's some scary business that won't fade overnight. Moreover, Trump is actively harming your country with his policies and tariffs. 

    Actually, while I was looking for direct quotes about other world leaders, I caught some videos mocking Trudeau. Last I heard, he was adored by Canadians. I had no idea his approval rating tanked. To be frank, we could do with more discussions about other countries too. I'd actually welcome political debates from Canadians. Hell, nine out of ten times, I'd welcome maple syrup debates over a Trump debate too. Speaking of which, I just learned one of Canada's retaliatory tariffs against the US was on maple syrup. Now there's a mystery I'd love to solve. Why on earth would Canada be importing syrup? Isn't that kind of like the Sahara importing sand? Selling ice to Eskimos? I am mindblown. 
      December 30, 2018 9:16 PM MST

  • Lol. I did catch your comment earlier on Trump being respected by allies, but that was not why I posted this question. I agreed with all you said there and if you get to know me,  you’ll know my reasons for posting questions are much more juvenile than a reaction to that. I rambled about my reasons to Randy earlier but, thought better of it than leave it up. Also, I’m pretty sure our tarriffs on maple syrup are going to faaak you Americans up on Sundays. damn the wood when you have that maple money yo’ . 
      December 30, 2018 9:29 PM MST

  • 1812
    What Trump feud? 

      December 30, 2018 9:18 PM MST

  • Shut up you ;)
      December 30, 2018 9:34 PM MST

  • 1812
    Hey! I think I know you
      December 30, 2018 9:35 PM MST

  • Really? I don’t believe we have met... question. How much would my brain weigh if it was made of veal. Only someone who knows me can answer this question.... GO! 
      December 30, 2018 9:39 PM MST

  • 1812
    4.69 pounds... final answer.
      December 30, 2018 9:42 PM MST

  • WEY!!! it’s you :) okay you know me ... you really know me ;p 
      December 30, 2018 9:45 PM MST

  • there are like three people on this site who actually engage in this topic so im gonna say no
      December 30, 2018 9:20 PM MST