Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » December 31, 2018. The last day of the year is here. I cheer its demise and pray that next year will NOT be a repeat of this year. You too?

December 31, 2018. The last day of the year is here. I cheer its demise and pray that next year will NOT be a repeat of this year. You too?

Posted - December 31, 2018


  • 53665

      So you'll be posting less often in 2019?  

      December 31, 2018 5:37 AM MST

  • 113301
    In the spirit of good will kindness and hopeful betterment I wish you a VERY  HAPPY  2019 and I do hope you get everything you deserve and that it is everything you hoped it would be. From me to thee Randy  D. For what it's worth. Be of good cheer. Walk the high road.  Have nothing but faith and love in your heart and you can't possibly stray too far off the path of goodness. For that I pray for you and others to whom and with whom you relate. There is nothing more that I could possibly hope for other than that you see the light and find it to your liking and delight and remain there and avoid the dark side. Thank you for your reply and a very Happy New Year Tuesday 2019 to thee and thine. On my end I will try to pay more attention to you instead of just ignoring you completely and writing you off as not worth my time.  This is my first step in that direction.  I do hope you wish me well as well. What could it hurt to hope, right? This post was edited by RosieG at January 1, 2019 5:18 AM MST
      January 1, 2019 5:17 AM MST

  • 10783
    At the beginning of every year people say that "this year will be a good year".  Yet come the years end they say, "that it was the worst year ever; I'm glad it's over!".

    How many of those who are only children now, will look back in 30-50 years and say that these were "the good old days".  "Oh, that we could go back to 2018", they'll lament.  "Things were so much better then."

    Yes, many bad things have occurred in the past year - school shootings, murders, racism, fires, floods, wearthquales, tsunamis, droughts, terrorism, political unrest, stupid people doing stupid things.... 
    But then again, some good things also happened.  Or about the thousands of kids who are part of the "class of 2018"?  Or the couple who got married?  Or the woman who gave birth to a child?

    At years end, we like to concentrate on the negative (how bad things were) instead on the good that occured.  Yes, it may seem like the bad outweighs the good, but it really depends on your point of view.
      December 31, 2018 10:38 AM MST

  • 113301
    In the long term I believe people tend to romanticize the good and forget the bad. In the short-term it is more difficult to do. They say distance lends enchantment.  We will be better able to assess the reign of stable boy 20 years in the future. At 81 I may not be here so  I must do my assessment now. He is the utmost worst of my worst nightmare but what is even worse is that anyone would adore support defend admire love such a one as stable boy. And tragically there are millions of them. When his day in the sun is done he will see himself as a savior of mankind as will his adoring worshippers. As for me to be fair I can only ask "what if he were"? What if without him we would have been so much worse off? What if? Thank you for your thoughtful answer Shuhak. Ever been on a team and experienced  Monday-morning CHALK TALK? That is where the coach reviews everything YOU DID WRONG so you can learn from it and not do it again. Well that is what I do. Review what's wrong. Try to understand it. Try to learn from it, especially whatever part I may have played in the failure or the loss. if I focus on the good, what went right exactly what do I learn from that about what not to do again? You learn from your mistakes. You have to review and acknowledge them in order to do that Shuhak. So you look back on all the good and I will do what I always do. Figure out why things went wrong and try  not to repeat them. Thank you for your reply!  :)
      January 1, 2019 5:28 AM MST

  • 10783
    At the last place I worked, we had chalk talks every monday morning followed by "road maps" (corporate mandate).  However, as manager, I gave myself Monday's off (aw, shucks!).  Wish I could have skipped the morning meetings as well, but they had them daily (sun-sat).
      January 1, 2019 10:02 AM MST

  • 113301
    I will tell you this. I have attended countless work-related meetings in my entire work life and very very very few were worth my time. Very few. They are time-wasters. They are bitch sessions. They rarely if ever accomplish anything. Why they are so popular I have no idea! When you are under a deadline to complete a project and you're stuck in some dumb-a** meeting so a supervisor can show how swell he is that is not a good situation. Thank you for your reply! :)
      January 2, 2019 5:45 AM MST

  • 10783
    Here-here!  (applause)

    How about having to drive out of town or even to another state to attend some of their stupid meetings meeting (I had to go to Reno and/or Sacramento depending).  Oh, the meeting is only 4-5 hours long, but it takes hours to drive to and from the meeting - and they only pay you for the time you were there (minus lunch which they never give you, making part of the meeting "free time").  So not only do you lose half a days pay (just to be told that you aren't getting enough work done), you're also now 1 day behind in your work (which they complain to you about about at the next days meeting).  Grrrr!!!!
      January 2, 2019 10:34 AM MST

  • 113301
    Oh my gosh Shuhak that is WAY WAY WAY WORSE! Adding insult to injury you have to go out of your way and take extra time and be inconvenienced to waste your time! Sheesh. I can see that we have experienced similar stupidities in our jobs. Glad that is behind me. Is it also behind thee? Thank you for sharing and reminding me how lucky I am I survived the nonsense! :)
      January 3, 2019 4:01 AM MST

  • 10783
    I hope so.  But then again, I'm looking for another job.  This time it probably won't be in a management position.
      January 3, 2019 9:35 AM MST

  • 113301
    I TURNED DOWN management positions Shuhak having had my fill of it ONCE. No patience for it. Being responsible for the slings and arrows of other people's insecurities and envies? Not my cuppa tea. My condolences to you m'dear for what that subjected you to. One of our sons had to get out of management because while the money was very good the stress was killing him figuratively! I guess it's the same all over wherever you are. Because people are the same all over and their petty grievances are the same which is to say INANE! Thank you for your reply and good luck in the job search.   :)
      January 4, 2019 5:16 AM MST

  • Every year has ups and downs. 2019 will be the same roller coaster.
      December 31, 2018 10:44 AM MST

  • 113301
    Not worse? The same? Well I guess we'll find out next year on this date...January 1, 2020. What will our fate have been? What do we look forward to or dread? Thank you for your reply logicweaver and Happy New Year Tuesday 2019 to thee and thine!   :)
      January 1, 2019 5:31 AM MST

  • There’ll be bad days and good days and some will be the worst ever or the best ever. But you’re right January 1 2020 will give us the answer. 
    Happy New Year to you too!
      January 1, 2019 7:58 AM MST

  • 113301
    Thank you logicweaver and Happy Wednesday to you! :)
      January 2, 2019 5:46 AM MST

  • 34987
    No, I have had a wonderful year.
      December 31, 2018 11:26 AM MST

  • 113301
    I am glad for you m2c. I'm sure there are millions of others just exactly like. How wonderful for them too. Thank you for your reply. This post was edited by RosieG at January 2, 2019 5:47 AM MST
      January 1, 2019 5:32 AM MST

  • 11371
    I had a great 2018 - I got to make up a lot of jokes about Donald Trump and post them on the World Wide Web so they will never be lost and people will still be laughing at Trump in 3018. I got a feeling that in 2019 Donald Trump will be alone in his pool playing Marco Polo with him self. Cheers and Happy New Year! 
      December 31, 2018 12:18 PM MST

  • 113301
    That is very unlikely to happen my friend. The stable boy avoids exercise . Can you see him in trunks in the pool moving a muscle? Me either plus which he hides his obesity behind a suit jacket. You really think he would strip and let the world see all that flabby fat he has earned by eating his cheeseburgers and beautiful chocolate cake with two scoops of ice cream? Also m'dear you are a bit removed from the he** hole  America has become...I believe stable boy refers to it as a "sh**hole country". You are a Canadian after all and so he doesn't rule and rock your world directly as he does ours. The Canadian government didn't shut down in solidarity with stable boy, right? Which gives me an idea for a question.  Thank you for your thoughtful reply Nanoose and Happy New Year's Tuesday 2019 to thee and thine! :) This post was edited by RosieG at January 2, 2019 4:23 PM MST
      January 1, 2019 5:36 AM MST

  • 46117
    There is NO way it is going to be like the atrocity and horror story we have endured since this PIG got elected.

    He is on his way down.  I will enjoy each and every day of 2019 watching his inevitable demise.

    Maybe he will do us all a favor and just drop dead of a heart attack already.  Then his base can rail and cry that we killed the greatest man saint that ever lived.

      January 1, 2019 8:01 AM MST

  • 113301
    I would prefer that he live to a ripe old age and that daily he is excoriated for the evil things he did.  Being prosecuted and held accountable and serving time in prison would be very preferable to having him bail out on his punishment for all the evil he did. The easy way out. Drop dead and you're off the hook. At least on this plane. What awaits him in a far-off elsewhere I don't know. I'd like to SEE JUSTICE PREVAIL during my lifetime. That will mean his being sued and charged and indicted for every single criminal thing he has done which will take up several lifetimes. There are currently 17 investigations going on the last I heard. I'm sure more will show up as time goes by. I WANT TO WATCH AND LISTEN AND ENJOY the specimen under the micrscope who has nowhere to run or hide. Don't you? Thank you for your reply and the graphic Sharon. Death is too easy for him. He doesn't deserve to be let off the hook. This post was edited by RosieG at January 2, 2019 5:52 AM MST
      January 2, 2019 5:51 AM MST

  • 17036
    Good: I started a new job on a better salary. Can finally start making plans to get my car back on the road (needs a new engine - parts and labor on a Subaru are never cheap).

    Bad: My sister-in-law has been diagnosed with cancer. Dad had a minor heart attack. Father-in-law terminally ill and slowly succumbing to dementia.

    Outside me and mine, Australia is headed for a Federal election this year which will almost certainly mean the demise of the current dysfunctional shambles. In America, Mueller will ice the cake and Trump will be impeached. Both good.
      January 1, 2019 8:21 AM MST

  • 113301
    Congrats m'dear on the new better job! Jim sez Subarus are good cars so good luck with that! Sorry about your SIL's cancer diagnosis. Good luck to her and I hope she sails through with minimum discomfort. I did. So can she (hopefully). Maybe the minor heart attack was a godsend for your dad R.  A warning so he could change things for the better sooner and avoid something far worse. My dad had a massive heart attack at age 54. Far too young to die. So fingers crossed that will be your dad's only experience like that. As for your FIL condolences. My mom was senile and I don't know if it was Alzheimer's or just dementia but she was 95 when she died. I hope your FIL isn't in any pain. So your current gubment is in a dysfunctional shambles too? Bummer. Will the opposition (assuming it wins) be to your liking? As for us we so look forward to the coming-to-an-end of the investigations ( so far there are 17 and counting) and the beginning of the indictments prosecutions trials and incarcerations! Oh boy! Thank you for your reply! :) This post was edited by RosieG at January 2, 2019 6:02 AM MST
      January 2, 2019 6:01 AM MST

  • 17036
    Maureen's other sister died of cancer at 46. Teddy is 55. She's confident and staying positive, but the family history is against her.
      January 3, 2019 2:18 AM MST

  • 113301
    I am sorry to hear that R. Is there some gene that causes it genetically in families? The actress Angelina Jolie's mom died of breast cancer I believe and also an aunt I think. As a result she had a mastectomy because I guess she feared she would get it too. So how does that affect Maureen m'dear? Is she worried and I gather she is always on the alert for any signs. My father's sister and mother both died of breast cancer but there is no cancer on my mother's side. I am told that it is more critical if cancer shows up on the maternal side. Now the cancer I had was uterine in 2008. Where it came from and why no one  knows. The day they find a cure for all cancers will surely be awesome! Thank you for your reply and Happy Thursday (your almost Friday?). Oh the Aussie Open starts January 14 as I'm sure you're aware. Will this be the year that Nick shines? I wouldn't mind Roger winning it again of course as he did last year. I don't know how much longer he will be playing and going out after another Major win would be the best way for such a champion to leave the stage. :)
      January 3, 2019 4:09 AM MST