Yes....I was a middle child of six you didn't eat quick you got older sister and two brother sometimes helped themselves and younger sister and youngest brother liked to eat what every one else had and not touch their own....once they could walk unaided ,it became like WW11 each
The the two eldest boys were terrible teases to all us middle three middle girls and the youngest was all done in good fun and they eldest two really did look after us....
Once I got old enough ,I became the terror though aided by my dad.....I would never let things drop and aways had to have the last word or prank... They actually open a can of worms that they could never ever close until I went to
I think my dad even regretted helping me to begin with....but life at home was never really quiet this dad I can never ever
I'm rarely ever serious and it takes a lot to upset me..but once something dies I do tend to fuse on it until I finally explode ..:( I don't like to let things get to me ...but things still do sometimes...:(