How much will the impending USPS stamp increase affect you and how often you mail anything?
5 cents, Its the biggest increase in years taking effect on January 27th. I still will send birthday cards and various holiday cards to friends and family. But like many others I pay 95% of my bills online. Thank goodness:)
I know I am naive and probably a bit paranoid (and un-environmentally sound) but I will gladly continue to pay for stamps and to pay my bills with envelopes through the postal service.
Enough of my information is out there in InternetOnlineLand -- I choose to keep some of it to myself.
I understand as my cousins feel the same for the same reasons. I think my first venture into paying electronically was when my Mother died. She was in hospital for a month before and I was with her so I missed paying my Discover bill. I called them and they were lovely, waived the fee and allowed me to pay over the phone. I did that for a few years with that bill. Then eventually graduated to paying online for that and other bills. Its too inconvenient to change back to stamps for me and takes much more time. So its too late for me to worry about it. Though often I do:) lol
A book of stamps lasts me for several months because I mail very few things so, other than the initial increased cost of a book of stamps it won't really affect me. :)
This post was edited by rusureamisure? at January 27, 2019 4:58 PM MST
It really affect me won’t at all, because I do nearly nothing by mail anymore. The few stamps still lying around in my desk are “forever” stamps, purchased before the postage increase.
I seldom use stamps anymore. I try to eliminate receiving as much mail as possible .. and seldom mail out anything except an occasional greeting card. I'm not thrilled with the USPS anyway. They provide tracking for many things, but even then, it's not accurate a lot of the time and items never show up.
It'll only affect me a little bit. The only time I use the mail is for birthday/christmas cards (2), an occasional letter to my friend overseas (1-2), and to pay my property taxes (twice a year). I do everything else online. If this backwards county ever joins the 21st century I'll pay my taxes online too.
I don't mail that many letters or cards and I have about 25 "forever" stamps purchased before the increase, so they will last me for three or four months.