A) I always read the responses. That's half the fun to me. Also, I don't like to duplicate answers. I can't count the number of times someone has beat me to giving an answer.
No - thank you for your interest. If I am curious about the other responses then I read them. Or if I don't understand entirely the question then I will read the responses to gain insight into it so I will be better able to answer it. Like JA's Q about "ED". Otherwise I just answer it. Or not. Because most of the time I am at work and I am in the middle of various tasks.
I answer first, then if there's time later I might read the question. Wait, no, that sounds wrong. Sometimes it's A and sometimes it's B, so maybe it's A½.
E. How I Answermug is a trade secret and if I told you how I go about it...I'm afraid no harm would need to come to you because it's really not that big of a deal.