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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Now the dog&pony show soap opera is gonna get real good. The gasbag intends to declare a NATIONAL EMERGENCY. Think he'll get away with it?

Now the dog&pony show soap opera is gonna get real good. The gasbag intends to declare a NATIONAL EMERGENCY. Think he'll get away with it?

He wants to do an end-run around Congress. The Constitution gives the authority/power of the pursestrings to CONGRESS not the  prez. Of course the gasbag doesn't let that stop him. So if he tries it will go to the courts and be litigated. His odds of pulling it off are less than zero. But he will do to satisfy his audience. He doesn't care. As long as he is in the spotlight and has your attention he doesn't give a sh** about any of it. He is an entertainer performer puppet lapdog gasbag. Born to the stage. No talent but then apparently that isn't a requirement.

Posted - February 15, 2019


  • 17035
    If the wall is so damn important, why didn't he even get it STARTED when both Houses were full of yes-men who were kissing his a$$?
      February 15, 2019 5:23 AM MST

  • 113301
    Sadly I cannot come up with any scenario that would allow me to provide you with a LOGICAL answer.  So I won't even try. Well mebbe he figgered if he did it then he'd get it and then have nothing to make a big deal out of and milk to death and use to attack Dems with? Who knows? Mebbe Putin gave him a script to follow and he dared not AD LIB! So now the attention gets even more on his royal gasbag and you knew that's all he lives for...getting richer, sucking up to his puppetmaster and screwing up the world according to the orders he has been given from that Russian SOB! Thank you for your excellent question R. Apologies for not being able to answer it! Happy Friday...oh wait... Happy Saturdy if you're there yet! :)
      February 15, 2019 6:04 AM MST