Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» Ever drink milk straight from the cow instead of drinking the store-bought milk? Is there any difference in taste? Is raw milk dangerous?
Back home on the farm many years ago we usually had about 15 head of cattle and in summer 7 cows giving milk. The milk was passed through a strainer to filter out the particles of debris to give us our milk for consumption -no pasturization. Taste is slight difference from store milk. Bulk of the milk was run through a separator to extract the cream which we sold. Skim milk was fed to the pigs. Raw milk is usually safe but apparently it sometimes may carry a bug that can be harmful but our city cousins loved our country milk and cream and never any ill effects.
This post was edited by Kittigate at February 22, 2019 1:55 AM MST
There is nothing better than first-hand experience shared with others. Thank you for a very thoughtful and informative reply kj. I appreciate it. You said the taste is slightly different. Better different or not as good different?
Well.. us farm people liked -but not really preferred taste of city milk because it was slightly different and for same reason city people liked fresh farm milk and cream.
What's different beguiles us and ensnares us. What we are used to is "normal" and "ordinary". I think that is just the way humans are Kg. Thank you for your reply! :)