Generic store brand. I buy a case, the refill the bottles with filtered water from my fridge. (Fiji) Evian spelled backward is naive.
This post was edited by Element 99 at February 28, 2019 5:51 PM MST
I don't usually buy bottled water. I am on a well at the house and the water is really good. I usually just fill a thermos with water from the tap..on the occasion, a road trip etc. where I do buy a water, it's just the first one I see..
You'd be right at home in Adelaide - it's one of three seaports globally where visiting ships don't take on drinking water. The municipal supply can etch glass.
I drink mostly carbonated water and I think it's why I'm such a bubbly person ,either that or those rather large Magnums off Champers I quoff a lot off..... :)D