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Are You Ready to Receive Your ID Chip?

Australia Becomes First Country To Begin Microchipping Its Public

Australia is to become the first country in the world to microchip its public. NBC new predicted that all Americans would be microchipped by 2017, but it seems Australia may have beaten them to the post.

Posted - August 29, 2016


  • 2758

    ...Other than the ones in the last vaccination you got. :-)

      August 30, 2016 12:10 AM MDT

  • 2758

    A minor correction. While the story may be bogus (the site from which it came is kinda like the Onion), the trend is not. People all around the world are actually volunteering for this crap.

      August 30, 2016 12:48 AM MDT

  • 2758


    I can just see Bubba and Wynona lining up for the 'mark.' 

    Wanna see a ruckus? Just make 'em mandatory.

      August 30, 2016 12:49 AM MDT

  • 503

    This sounds like a much better idea than Trump's plan to Tattoo ID numbers on the arms of Muslims entering the USA !

      August 30, 2016 4:10 AM MDT

  • 2758

    Agreed, although the better alternative would be to forbid their entry at the outset. Islam is antithetical to human survival let alone to American society.

    And just so you know I differentiate between Islam (the sadistic death cult) and Muslims (those who've fallen victim to same).  I would forbid the entry of Muslims into the U.S. for the same reasons I would forbid entry to anyone suffering from an horrendously debilitating, contagious disease.

      August 30, 2016 4:47 AM MDT

  •   August 30, 2016 7:43 AM MDT

  • LOL I was actually thinking the same thing sorry but that was hilarious I know it shouldn't be though :P

      August 30, 2016 5:29 PM MDT

  • No I am not ready as I won't ever get microchipped even by threat or force and as I was reading it what it roughly translates into is basic laziness. "I want this technology to automatically open a door for me because I'm too stupid to open it myself." Gosh I would hate to see how they got through doors without technology.

    On the other hand I just don't like the sound of it. No way.

      August 30, 2016 5:46 PM MDT

  • 2500

    Yes, and hence my reference to "the camel's nose being under the tent", all one's medical information on a device that they can carry with them. What could be wrong with that? Well, it's just the start. Easy enough to make that implantable. And data is just data, be it medical or financial, family pedigree or past loyalty to the current government.

    Other examples are things starting out with good intentions are things like the US income tax (only for a very few of the rich, most people will be unaffected, in the beginning) or that venerable Social Security number (not to be used for identification, says that right on my SS card.)

      August 30, 2016 7:48 PM MDT

  • 2500

    Got any references to that idea from Trump? Seriously, I hadn't heard that before.

      August 30, 2016 7:52 PM MDT