Any particular blend? I'm partial to Irish Breakfast, my better half prefers Earl Grey. Both of us use milk, she sugars hers, I'm sweet enough already. I drink tea in the evening - if I drink coffee late, I sleep badly. First thing in the morning is a different matter - it takes two cups of really strong black coffee to get my heart started. I am NOT a morning person.
This post was edited by Slartibartfast at April 2, 2019 8:11 PM MDT
Too weak. If the spoon starts to dissolve, that's better, but when that spoon jumps out of the mug and runs away screaming in mortal agony, then it's PERFECT. Black, no sugar. It has to sit up and bark.
my mainstay is Green tea with Honey and Ginseng. Comes in a gallon container. But I do have less than a cup of black coffee in the morning. Can never drink the whole cup even though good coffee from coffee house to go...
This post was edited by Baba at April 3, 2019 8:08 AM MDT