Discussion » Questions » Environment » Everything in Life and Nature has a purpose .!! ... Should we not forget this and live our lives not treading on any othere species toes ???

Everything in Life and Nature has a purpose .!! ... Should we not forget this and live our lives not treading on any othere species toes ???

Posted - April 6, 2019


  • 6477
    Nice idea.. but sadly humans are too selfish, shallow and greedy to care that much about other species. Well, not all of us are like that but... 
      April 7, 2019 12:19 PM MDT

  • 44761
    And stupid. Some entemologists went to central America, gassed some trees, shook them to get all of the insects, spiders that were killed. When they gathered up the data and lists, they found numerous new species. HOWEVER, they discovered some of them only lived in one tree. Extinction?
      April 7, 2019 12:27 PM MDT

  • 7280
    Here's a philosophical question based on this thread:

    If you were caring for Element 99's pangolin while he was out of town and it started running after a Formicidae. what is the appropriate moral imperative under which you should act?
      April 7, 2019 12:45 PM MDT

  • 7280
    Do snakes have toes?
      April 7, 2019 12:48 PM MDT

  • 1713
    We definitely need to clean up our act and take responsibility. Otherwise it would not end well for us in the long run, which is something I certainly don't want. I have hope that some day we will learn, I just hope we do so before it's too late.
      April 11, 2019 7:16 PM MDT