Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» Dondonjohn is ADDICTED to tweeting. If he were cut off COLD TURKEY would he go into a severe withdrawal and never recover at all?
Ya he would get the Jimmy leg if he was cut off twitter (when a heroin addict is hurting for a fix one of their legs twitch uncontrollably). I bet if Trump was cut off twitter he would start talking like he was tweeting. When Trump tweets he sometimes has to break one thought into 2 tweets - he will write part of the tweet and end it with .... then he will write the next tweet starting with .... . So if Trump was cut off twitter whenever he talked he would start a sentence then say dot dot dot dot - pause then say dot dot dot dot and then finish the sentence. The other day Trump was talking to 4 World war 2 vets - one of the vets gave Trump a hat and said maybe you can post a picture of it on twitter - Trump said I don't know I don't use twitter that much - what a lying joke he is. Cheers and happy weekend!
Thank you for your thoughtful and very creative reply Nanoose. I have come to expect that from you. But I just want to point something out. You do know that Dondonjohn isn't very bright, right? He MAY NOT KNOW that when tweets he is on TWITTER. He is a few cards short of a full deck and was never the sharpest knife in the drawer. During his campaign he said over 100 times I LOVE WIKILEAKS. He waxed poetic about it. Couldn't shut up about it. Yet when asked last week what he thought about Julian Assange of Wikileaks being arrested he said he didn't know anything about Wikileaks because it is not his thing. Now either he is LIAR or he really does NOT know an awful lot of stuff that is apparent to the rest of us. He certainly appears to be insane but maybe that's just an act. With him everything is a performance. Between thee and me I think he a very lousy at it but he does have an audience who cheers and adores him. Go figger! :)
This post was edited by RosieG at April 14, 2019 3:33 AM MDT