Well it's unlikely to unite the world.. but.. donations from around the world have been pouring in.
Personally, I think that's a good thing!
AND I do think it should be rebuilt!
a) Because they were actually able to save most of the contents and important pieces.. most of the most important stained glass windows were saved..
b) because this isn't about religion. This is about history.... and beauty.. and the value we place on those things
I am thinking again of Maslow's hierarchy.. we start off with basic needs like food and water.. but once we have those things we look to fulfilment ...
and if we don't have those things we struggle.
So yes, rebuild it..
We in the UK Have many cathedrals.. they are truly awesome, truly beautiful.. and inspiring.. not because of religion... but because of the achievements in building them.. One of the most beautiful places I have ever been is Venice.. there are so many churches and cathedrals there - they are so awesome to see.. And this is history.. to marvel at the beauty of what they build so many hundreds of years ago.
Do you guys have cathedrals there?