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Do Trump's supporters actually believe him?

I just heard Donald Trump telling a rally that illegal immigrants are a drain on the US economy. Not true; they pay taxes, but can't claim money back in welfare. He claimed Hillary supports catch and release. Not true; catch and release was scrapped by George W. Bush, and has not been reinstated since. The truth is, more illegal immigrants have been deported under Barack Obama than any previous president. His speech was a pack of lies start to finish. And he is still going on about building his ridiculous wall and making the Mexicans pay for it. There is no way to make the Mexicans pay for it, and I don't believe his stupid wall would ever be built, even if the fool were to get elected. What a load of rubbish he talks! Why does anyone take this lying clown, who is facing criminal charges for his Trump University con (and would be facing more charges in other states if he hadn't bribed the attorneys: http://thinkprogress.org/politics/2016/07/06/3795722/pam-bondi-trump-complaint/), seriously? http://www.npr.org/2016/08/31/492096565/fact-check-donald-trumps-speech-on-immigration Hey, elect the idiot if you want! It will be the end of US global dominance, but good news for my country and the rest of the world. We will be in our ascendancy!

Posted - August 31, 2016


  • 2758

    Because Duke has affiliated himself with Trump.  Idiots tend to 'clump.' :-)

      September 1, 2016 3:20 PM MDT

  • 2758

    1) I can't stand Trump, and I'd go for such a wall were it possible.  :-)

    2) ... Or they hate the establishment THAT much.

      September 1, 2016 3:22 PM MDT

  • 46117

    They were trained by their kin folk in the hills that they have been interbred from that they are obliged to believe stories.  If you like the tribe you are from, you believe anything they tell you because blood is thicker than common sense.

    These are Trump's peeps.  Inbred morons who cannot think without their retard posse to back them.

      September 1, 2016 3:22 PM MDT

  • 2758

      September 1, 2016 3:22 PM MDT

  • 2758


    ...Is why Trump has so much support.  IF he wins (which I personally doubt for a host of reasons having nothing to do with actual voter sentiment), it'll be comments just like this one which push him over the top.  The people you call "inbred morons who cannot think without their retard posse to back them" are the bulk of America's working middle class.  You know, the people whom America's liberal 'intelligentsia' treat with dripping contempt?

    Thanks, Sharonna, for making my point.

      September 1, 2016 3:27 PM MDT

  • 34962
    But Trump has not affiliated himself with Duke. In the speech where he was initially told of Duke endorsement...the first thing out of Trump's mouth was "I disavow"
    And Trump refused to run on a party ticket because Duke had been on that party's candidate in the past.
      September 1, 2016 3:40 PM MDT

  • 19937

      September 1, 2016 5:01 PM MDT
  • Bez


    They must believe him, otherwise they wouldn't support him. I personally think he's an a**hole, but my opinion matters not one whit as far as the Presidential election is concerned because I don't live in the USA and therefore I am not eligible to vote there.

      September 1, 2016 5:10 PM MDT

  • 1113

    Nope, they pay more than just sales tax, and in many cases their contributions outweigh their costs:


      September 1, 2016 5:18 PM MDT

  • 1113

    Because Duke is a prime example of one kind of people who support Trump. It would be foolish not to consider the reasons why Duke likes Trump so much, given the abhorrent ideology Duke espouses.

      September 1, 2016 5:21 PM MDT

  • 1113

    No, at first Trump claimed he had no idea who Duke even was, which was false. Only when pressed did he say "fine, I disavow". 

      September 1, 2016 5:23 PM MDT

  • 739
    Wow! I have certainly stirred up a healthy debate here! Does it make a difference if immigrants are turned back at the border or deported? Either way, they are not getting into the country. I get what some of you said about Obama including this in the figures when it wasn't before, but can anyone tell me how the numbers look when you factor in such figures to previous administrations? You have pointed out that my information contained some flaws, but not actually shown that it makes a significant difference. Stepper picked up on the other thing I said; Trump is big business all the way. He is not anti-establishment. He is the establishment. Also, he used to visit with the Clintons in the White House, and I believe he was a donor to their foundation, which he now criticises so much. I don't think Trump's supporters are stupid, at least, the ones who post on this site. You would expect anyone who supports him to be stupid, but most of the people who support him here don't appear to be. They may have some stupid opinions, and certainly many I disagree with, but there is only one user of this website who strikes me as stupid enough. Which is why I find it so hard to understand why they support him. They seem to believe he represents something which he clearly doesn't. And Nimitz, just because a website is liberal, does it make it wrong? Most news sites have a bias one way or the other. I don't necessarily believe any of them. I posted the link to the PBS site, but there are a number of news sources that concur in the opinion that Trump's speech was filled with lies.
      September 2, 2016 1:07 AM MDT

  • 739
    Before I forget, I have pointed out a number of times that being surrounded by the sea does not keep anyone out of Britain. If people want to get into a country badly enough, they will, and nothing will stop them.
      September 2, 2016 1:11 AM MDT

  • 739
    Before I forget, I have pointed out a number of times that being surrounded by the sea does not keep anyone out of Britain. If people want to get into a country badly enough, they will, and nothing will stop them.
      September 2, 2016 1:11 AM MDT

  • 739
    Oh, and someone said something about America being in decline anyway. Well, yes, it might be, but Trump can only make it worse, and as for Britain, when did I say we were doing much better? We just voted to Brexit, for gods sake! We'll be little more than a small, bit part player without the EU beside us! As for Hillary, I have never mentioned her, anywhere, on this website. I think I said I believed she would win, somewhere, but no more than that. Like I said earlier, I don't believe in trying to tell other countries who to vote for. I don't believe they would take any notice, anymore than I took any notice of Americans who said they supported Brexit. They've never been in the EU, so what the hell do they know about it? I make an exception with Trump, because as I said, the Republicans will become so marginalised that America will become effectively a one-party state, where only the Democrats can win, similar to the way we are with the Conservatives at present. I never liked or voted for Labour, but a democracy needs a functioning opposition. Unless Trump is replaced before November, I believe that is what will happen to the USA. And being as someone brought up the subject of Hillary, I will say this much. If I were living and voting in the USA, I would certainly vote for her, because she is the candidate who does not seem to be a sideshow freak from Barnum and Bailey's circus.
      September 2, 2016 1:40 AM MDT

  • 739
    Thank you all for responding! This one has had more replies than any of my previous questions.
      September 2, 2016 1:43 AM MDT

  • 1113
      September 2, 2016 10:15 AM MDT