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What is a common misconception that many people have about living alone? ~

Posted - May 9, 2019


  • 19938
    That people who live alone are lonely.  In my case, that is far from true.
      May 9, 2019 9:54 AM MDT

  • 17554
    1.  That you are lonely.
    2.  That it is not by choice.

    I love living alone but my boyfriend is here a lot and I'm over there a lot.   Even without a boyfriend, I love living alone.  I don't think I'll ever marry again.

      May 9, 2019 2:37 PM MDT

  • 22891
    that its lonely
      May 9, 2019 4:41 PM MDT

  • 4624
    That it means the person must be dysfunctional, anti-social, incapable of having a healthy relationship.
      May 9, 2019 4:43 PM MDT

  • 976
    That living alone is unhealthy. Which is not true. I like being alone. The last 5 years of my previous marriage, I lived alone. My son was at college and ex lived in another town during the week and I loved it (he had a great dislike for me anyway). When I moved in with my current husband, he was just as quiet as I and we moved through this home like ninjas.

    He does his thing, I do mine. We spend the weekends together and it's great. Still, very quiet and not many words spoken, just a lot of hand-holding.
      May 9, 2019 7:24 PM MDT