Discussion»Questions»Politics» So why did President Trump tell us that Mexico would pay for the wall? They still aren't paying. He SCREWED UP AND LIED.
I highly doubt this was anything that got him elected. It got him notorious. Russia got him elected. They knew they had the perfect turkey to fill their bill.
Actually it's not, nor will it ever be. Here's why:
The government must acquire thousands of miles of privately owned land. Most of it won't be for sale, so eminent domain claims must be added to an already crowded court schedule. With the inevitable appeals it will take years before the first sod can be turned on any turf belonging to a holdout. Added to this, much of the terrain is very rugged, particularly along the Rio Grande. Engineering surveys haven't even been commissioned yet, never mind completed. Also there's no EIS - Republicans tend to ignore those, few of them can even spell 'environmental' and none can define it, but the study must still be carried out and the statement drawn up. His Royal Orangeness hasn't got the time.
This post was edited by Slartibartfast at May 15, 2019 4:59 AM MDT
Watch out, Slarti, you are being pulled into Wakko. Do not get pulled into Wakko or you will find yourself sounding just like WAKKO. No. YOU ARE. NO. YOU are too. NO you are the biggest. NO YOU are. That is basically what a conversation with him goes like. It gets really new, really fast.
You would have to be as stupid-looking and worldly as this miscreant to even BELIEVE such ridiculous rubbish. YES. OH YES. We are lying about it being built and TRUMP morons kneel and aim their guns southwards.